KinderMath: The Complete Math Curriculum $30 Off Sale!


So, let’s run out a little scenario… You sit down to do your lesson planning for the week.  You open up your “big box curriculum” math teacher’s manual and you turn to the lesson you will be teaching next week.  You read through the lesson from the beginning to the end.  Then, you pause.  You read it again. Pause. {Scratch your head a little}. Then you let out the biggest sigh!  Do you know why the big box math curriculums leave you scratching your head?  Well I have some opinions on that but basically for one big reason – – they are NOT teachers!  You see I was that teacher… the one reading through the math lesson two or three times in then letting out the biggest sigh!  Here were some things I couldn’t get past….

1) The lessons were NOT appropriate for my students.  Now there is a big range of what is “appropriate.”   Possibly the lessons were too easy or possibly the lessons were too hard {but that wasn’t very often}.


2) The lessons were too short!  Most of the lessons in my big box math curriculum are way to short!  My math block is 60 minutes.  Nowhere in my math book can I find where they state how long the lesson should take me, but clearly it’s not filling in a 60 minute math block.3) The lessons/games are boring!  Yeah, I know I sound just like a kindergartner…but if my students are bored out of their gourd there is no way I will be able to keep them attentive and on task!

And I could clearly go on but you get the point and most likely have been there!  If you are lucky and  don’t have a big box math curriculum then you might be on the other side of this were are you LONGING for a program that can just lessen the burden of planning math for your students each week.  It’s not that you can’t do it or you don’t have the knowledge for it… but you start to wonder if there is “anything else” your kids could or should be doing!

So, I completely rambled and you’re wondering what exactly you are doing here, right?  Well, teacher friends I hope to be able to fix all of those *cough* problems I mentioned above!  If I am passionate about anything it is the love, tears, sleepless nights, etc I put into my curriculum programs and I am so excited to share with you my latest baby {literally}, KinderMath!
So, it sounds like you just opened the flood gates to my mathematical heart….What is KinderMath?


KinderMath is a 35 week COMPLETE math curriculum!  I say COMPLETE math curriculum because I am thorough!  The point I want to get away from with curriculum is where the teacher has to go “supplement” for their curriculum. No. That is not okay!  No supplementing with my program!  The teacher scripted lesson plans are there along with; worksheets, hands-on cards, assessments, standards list, etc etc etc!  It really is the whole bag of chips AND dip….along with extra refills {for free}! HA!

Let’s get more into the program!

KinderMath units are teacher created, kid-tested, and most importantly kid-approved!  KinderMath takes away the monotonous way of teaching math where students sit and listen to the teacher TEACH math.  Instead, KinderMath encourages guidance from the teacher while the students TEACH and LEARN math through hands-on and engaging math activities with their partners.  KinderMath units are made up of 10 instructional days each, but can be adjusted to fit your classroom needs.  The units include a pre and post test as a way to ensure student growth over the unit.  The units also include MORE than enough material for each day’s lesson.  No more hunting down additional material to “supplement” your lesson!  These are just a few highlights you will see using  the KinderMath units; kids talking about math, kids using manipulatives, activities that are fun + engaging, and learning that requires critical thinking!  I get a lot of questions from teachers that are needing a researched-based math program to show their administrators.  Yes, KinderMath is a researched based program.  I have used research from multiple avenues but two of the largest being The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the research from math guru, John A. Van de Walle.

Another awesome feature to KinderMath is the use of mentor texts!  Kids LOVE read alouds and the busy days don’t always lend themselves to have multiple read alouds.  Well, KinderMath integrates real texts back into the lessons!  The kids love interacting with the books and using the books as a springboard for our math talks!  You can see a full lists of the books used in KinderMath HERE.

The image below shows how I have one of the texts under my document camera for all students to be able to see and interact with.  {You guys this book is the BEST!}


 lessons will easily fill a 60 minute block of math time, but could be adjusted to fit more or less time easily.  The lessons are broken down into these main sections {whole-group number sense lesson, collaborative number sense AKA partner work game, whole-group fluency, whole-group math lesson, collaborative lesson follow-up AKA partner work game, and independent practice AKA worksheet}.  You can see from the image below that KinderMath promotes nearly an equal share of time between collaborative work and whole-group instruction!  When the students are playing math games with their partners they are getting the chance to apply the math skills being taught, rather then sitting sedentary listening to their teacher!



KinderMath is based upon a math transitions system! This simply means we utilize transitions as a way to maximize student engagement and interest!  Here’s how it goes… students mean AT the carpet for whole-group number sense routines.  Students then LEAVE the carpet to go play a number sense game with their partner.  Students will then return back AT the carpet for a quick fluency lesson.  Students LEAVE the carpet to return to tables for 1-2 fluency quick sheet. Students come back AT the carpet for the whole-group lesson.  Students LEAVE the carpet to play a follow up game from the whole-group lesson.  Students then come back AT the carpet for a wrap up.  Students then LEAVE the carpet to go back to their tables for their practice sheet.  You can tell the students are constantly engaged + learning flourishes because of it!


What is Included in KinderMath?

-Teacher “simple read” lesson plans.  You will not need to rewrite these lesson plans unless you choose to!  If so I have included editable lesson plans.

-Each week I have planned out the; big idea, focus common core standards, vocabulary, checks for understanding, critical thinking starters, and material/prep list for each lesson.

-Pre and post test included
Below is a snapshot of the unit one table of contents {you’ll see this page in each of the units with clickable links} and the KinderMath Scope and Sequence! An additional, Getting Started, unit will be added this summer!


Is KinderMath Common Core aligned? YES!  If you don’t teach to the Common Core you can correlate your standards using the ones listed below!



Below is a closer look at what is included within each unit!



I described it above but it might be a little easier when looking at a lesson to understand what what all I can squeeze onto one sheet of paper!  The left side of the lesson plan will be all of that “stuff” we as teachers usually have to gather on our own –  no problem I got you covered!


You can see from the image below a look at a day’s worth of lesson plans!  You can see that they are very detailed including teacher scripts!  They are so explicit that can easily leave them for a para or substitute to follow!

The units will also include any and all cards/game mats needed to make the lessons successful!  You will just need to provide the manipulatives like teddy bears or snap cubes!

In KinderMath the kiddos will be playing daily “games!”  The best part is that they have no clue that they are learning…sneaky sneaky!  Below is a number sense roll and write activity!

In KinderMath the kids will be CONSTANTLY working with their math partner.  The students build a bond with their partner and eventually a math-talk relationship.  This means they become comfortable enough with their partner to encourage them during the highs and “challenge” them when their mathematical reasoning doesn’t quite match up!


In KinderMath we bring in a lot of real-life objects.  After all we see and use math everyday in our lives so why not bring it into the lesson?



In KinderMath we play LOTS of “card” games!


In KinderMath we take objects and can talk, talk, talk all about them using our mathematical vocabulary!


In KinderMath we build fluency!  Each day the students will build fluency during your whole-group fluency lesson and you can then choose to have them complete a QUICK fluency sheet!


In KinderMath we compose and decompose word problems early on {but we don’t use those tricky math symbols until much later}.


In KinderMath we take time for independent practice daily!



In KinderMath we think critically!

In KinderMath our teacher reads us books!


In KinderMath our teacher lets us draw….wait whhhhaaaat?!
In KinderMath we get to get up and MOVE about!



In KinderMath we challenge our partners and hold them accountable!


In KinderMath we get LOUD and SHARE!

In KinderMath my teacher makes me think….real hard!

And….in KinderMath we impress our teacher EVERYDAY!


Take a closer look at some of the units through pictures!






Are you ready to make your math block filled with fun, excitement, and so much learning you won’t be able to contain your teacher joy?  Then, you can take a look at KinderMath!  Feel free to download this freebie lesson HERE to take a closer look at KinderMath or click the image below!

KinderMath  bundle is on sale for $30 off!   If you would like to check it out on TpT you can click below! 🙂

If you are wondering how KinderMath would look across the year, you can download this free kindergarten curriculum map!



What are other teachers saying about KinderMath?

“Tara, oh my gosh! You continue to outdo yourself over and over again! I have waited for this FOREVER and did not hesitate one second to buy it. Thank you for being such a dedicated teacher and helping to revive my teaching on a daily basis! YOU ARE AMAZING!”
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“My district uses a math program that quite frankly stinks! I have been struggling for three years to teach math in a way that makes sense and truly reaches my students. I know it is so important for them to have those foundational skills for the future so I would always stress and wish I had more guidance. This has been a LIFE SAVER. I cannot say enough about how well thought out these lessons are and how much SENSE they make. It is so nice to have piece of mind to know that my students are truly mastering concepts rather than jumping around to different objectives daily. Thank you for your amazing work, Tara! This is the best product I have purchased from TPT.”

Check out some photos that have been sent to me showing KinderMath in action!


Building a classroom 100’s chart.


Now this is quite the math talk! 😉

Fill the hexagon fun!
These kiddos were having a blast counting their collections!

Now a bit of talk for those that have taken that leap and now own KinderMath!  You are going to want some ideas on how to organize and store your material!  The first question you will want to answer is if you are going to set up a 1 inch binder for each unit OR set up two 4 inch binders! Up first will be for those wanting to start a binder for each unit! Here is a look at how I’ve organized my unit easily within a 3-ring binder!  I place the lesson and its corresponding practice sheets, material, etc in one sheet protector!  That way I can simply snap it out of the binder, teacher with it in hand, and then place it back into the binder!


In the picture below you can see one of the “game” templates and one of the math talk photos!  Math talks are HUGE in this curriculum and you can print them out or if you have an interactive whiteboard you can simply display them up there!


If you blackline masters are within a binder then you will next decide how to store all of your student cards/games. For my smaller cards I have purchased THESE small baggies from Amazon.  Any type of sandwich bag will work just fine.  I just prefer these because they are not too bulky!

I then consolidated all of my needed material for that unit {Unit 10} into a plastic craft box.  You can view those HERE but they are also available at Walmart and Micheals.

Inside the box I have my small cards {labeled with the corresponding lesson}.


I also have the game mats which have been paper clipped or binder clipped.

Along with the unit binder, student cards, and game mats…I have also thrown in the books that match that unit as well!


I can simply retrieve this box and my supplies will be there!

Below is a quick view explaining more about organizing the materials into a box!

Another option is to place all of the blackline masters into a binder.  I purchased two 4 inch binders and was able to get all material into the binder for units 1-15!

I then labeled each unit so that I could quickly access each unit!

Here is a quick video explaining more about organizing the large binders!

Again, if you would like to snag the units $30 off you can do so for a short time!  Also, if you have any questions on KinderMath being the right fit for your classroom, please don’t hesitate to comment or email me directly at li******************@gm***.com!

Teach first grade?  I have you covered too!
And check out the 1st grade curriculum guide as well!




  1. I am in Nebraska. Have you done an alignment to the Nebraska standards? Your product looks amazing and I am including it in our math review. I just need a few more details. Thanks!

  2. Hey, Tara!

    Love your stuff! I was wondering if you have anything like “the first 20 days” of math? I’d like to know how you get the procedures all set up and also, what you do to fill in the other 10 weeks. Also, how and when do you fit in math journals?

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