BTS Giveaways: Day 5 {phonics giveaway!}

Well hello there!  Today is day five of my Back to School giveaways and today I am featuring my teaching/blogging bestie, Lauren, from A Teachable Teacher!  Lauren is quite the whiz when it comes to finding FUN ways for her kiddos to practice their phonics skills.  I for sure think that phonics takes a lot of repeated practice for the kiddos to really “get” the skill!  I love how Lauren has turned a single sheet of paper into basically the teacher standing by the student saying…”Oh, you’re done…but add this or have you tried that?”….”Read it one more time.”  Each of her practice pages have MANY ways for the kids to practice that one skill.  They are not color and file away pages.  They are truly all-in-one learning pages!

Here is a snap shot of one of All-in-One Reading Passages below!


The passage above targets words with “cr” blends at the beginning.  Before we read the story, we use our yellow crayons to find and highlight all the “cr” blends at the beginning of the word.  The kids have so much fun as they “hunt” for words with the target skill.
Then we read the passage.  We usually read it together first.  See the little happy faces in the corner?  We get to color one each time we read.  For the second and third readings we read with our partners or we whisper read.  By the third time we are usually fluently reading (and sometimes giggling! ha!) through the story.
Finally, it’s time to answer the questions!  We like to highlight our answers in the text before writing them down.  And guess what…every time we write a “cr” word, we have to highlight it! #cementthatskill
My kids love to take it home and read the story to their parents!

Here is the All-in-One Reading Passage for the “ed” word family.   Poor Ned! 😉               
We also practice using the target skill in context with these cut and paste reading passages.  Students are given five target words and four sentences.  They have to glue the words in a way that makes sense.  Yep, there’s even one more word than they need to make sure they are really reading those words in context! 😉 I love the picture support because it helps the students feel successful.  

Now that we are reading those words in context, we have to practicing using them in context during writing!  I love that I can differentiate these phonics based writing prompts for my kids.  Some of them just write “ed” words and highlight the “ed,” while other kids write independent sentences.  If they’re advanced they can even write stories like the one above!

Lauren has created these three resources for every phonics skill you can think of AND she bundled all of them together.  The best part is she letting me give the entire bundle away to one of you!! Just look at everything that’s included!  You can enter to win below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

While you are waiting to see if you won you can snag these freebies to try out!

Thanks so much for popping in today and be sure to check back Saturday to see if you’re the winner AND join in for days 6 and 7 of my back to school giveaways!:)

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