Word Work & New Math Centers!

Hi friends!  I am finally all better after my surgery and had my follow up appointment on Thursday!  I wanted to share with you some of my new word work and math tubs!
Word, Build, Write
I love this activity & the kiddos do too!  They pull a card, build the word with magnetic letters, and write the word with a dry erase marker.  I do believe their favorite part is the building step!  I have seen amazing success with the kiddos knowing how to spell their site words in their writing due to this activity!  I sell this activity in my Tpt store…you can purchase this activity alone  or find it in my Word Work Super Pack! Click {here} to view on Teachers Pay Teachers!
Letter Sorts
Another favorite for my kiddos!  We sort uppercase/lowercase letters and we also sort letters we’ve studied like M’s vs S’s.  Anything tactile is loved by little ones!  Click {here} to grab the freebie sorting mat!
PSF  Sound Cards!
Really?  Give kids “gems” and they are ready to learn!  We play this type of activity a lot in guided reading so  they are aware of the expectations!  Students push up counters, gems, blocks, etc to hear each sound… /d/ /o/ /g/ and we always put it back together…dog! This activity is part of my Word Work Super Pack!  If you are needing some great Word Work Ideas check out this packet!  It has 20 activities and over 200 pages!  Click the picture below!
Have you seen these highway ABC Cards? 
I purchased little cars from the Dollar Tree and the boys go crazy for this word work center!  Click the picture above to grab the freebie from Make Learning Fun!
Alrighty…now to math centers!! 
I had a lot of friends love my Math Centers Super pack…so I compiled more of my favorites into my new math centers super pack #2…. This new packet has 10 activities and is priced at $6.50.
Below you will see some of those activities! 
Click the photo below to view on Tpt!
This is my math centers super pack #1
Next up…Guided Reading in Kindergarten!


  1. Hi Tara! I'm amazed at the things you do…you inspire me to try math centers in my Kindergarten class! 🙂 Thanks for all your hard work and your willingness to share! I also am glad your surgery went well…I just want to add some encouragement! I was in the same situation (TTC) a few years ago, and I know how frustrating it can be! I hope all continues to goes well and that you get some good news soon 🙂 Good luck!

  2. Gina- I am so happy I inspired you to try out math centers! Our math centers are at the end of the day so the kids have "checked" out but they seem to really enjoy playing these games- not really knowing they are still learning! 🙂 Thank you SO much for your words of encouragement! I know my day will be soon! 🙂


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