Back to the Basics: Classroom Management
For this routine the teacher will state LINES, LINES, LINES. The students then repeat the same phrase back. The person in the first row will know that after stating lines, lines, lines it is their turn to stand up and their entire row will stand up and walk over to their door in the same order as the were at the carpet. The first person in row two will know to follow the last person in row one…and so on for all rows on your carpet. After stating the lines, lines, lines I will usually state something like, “Remember friends that we can do this without talking.” “I will be looking for someone that is able to line up without their voice.” “I noticed that we were able to tap our friends to remind them if they forgot, instead of yelling at them to go.” Yes, kids will need to practice this over and over. This routine seemed SO simple, but I was so happy to be able to state the phrase…then the kids could line up independently without me having to continually call tables, colors, etc.
There is a little graphic below, but this routine is fairly self-explanatory. Now if my students are at their tables when lining up I will call them by their table. I use the same teacher convincing, “I will be looking for the table who has heads resting to line up.” “Wow, boys and girls did you see how quietly table 2 lined up?” “Oh, table four you made it very hard to beat…can table 2 line up quieter?”
I put a hand on my hip,
and a finger on my lip.
So, I won’t get in trouble,
when we take our little trip.
I also have one other super corny hallway quiet trick…I tell the kids that there is a mother cat in hallway looking for some mice to eat. So, they have to be VERY quiet mice. We even walk out into the hallway on our tip-toes. The obviously know they are not mice and there are no cats…yet it works every time!
For positive reinforces I find students doing their job in the hallway to move up their clip or put a stone in our classroom stone jar. For the most part we rock it! In my school we are blessed to have true “squares” on our floor. So, it’s super easy for me to say, “Find your square.” If a student is out of their square I will tell them they have sneaky feet! They know to find their square. I have found that it takes a lot LESS energy for me to make a positive comment rather than a negative one. For example, “Wow! Johnny is standing so quietly in the hallway. You can move up your clip Johnny.. {Johnny beams ear to ear and Susie who was turning circles behind him in line quickly finds her square so she has a chance to move up her clip}. Would I be realistic to say I never have to give a redirection to an individual student? No, of course not. However, for the most part…positive always wins over the opposite!
I have found that I need to be constantly “checking in” during the restroom break. I like to move from the line, to giving a friendly reminder in both bathrooms before returning to the line. Something about when they think you can’t see them…the things they do ๐
I think that a big part of classroom management is when the students “buy in” to classroom expectations. I notice this a lot at the carpet. Students will tap friends sitting near them and give them the silent signals I have tough them. Nothing extraordinary…quiet finger for quiet please and the index finger pointing down for sit down please. When I see that I get so tickled…. hey thanks for the help!!! ๐
Another major aspect in my opinion for daily five time is QUICK transitions…that means assigning kiddos to their daily five quickly and efficiently. I know, I know….I break the rules with my daily five dismissal board, but it works and it is FAST! The students can ALL look to see where they are going and move there. This takes seconds compared to students choosing their own daily five…which takes several minutes. This also allows me to quickly scan the classroom, assist any students needing it, then get to my guided reading table. I am able to offer a lot more instructional time at my table this way.
Download this freebie daily five dismissal board….
After each round of daily five I sing a little song…. I’m looking for some friends…I’m looking for some friends…that are, at the carpet. The kids know that this means it is time to clean up and head to the carpet. I always remind the kids that I will be looking for three lucky ducks to move up their clips. These friends were doing their jobs during the daily five round and made their way to the carpet quietly. You can download the lucky ducks for free HERE.
After each round of daily five the kids check in. I pull three sticks out of my lucky duck cup. Each stick I pull out has to tell the group what their daily five was and how they did. For the most part the kids are always on task and that lucky duck gets to move up their clip. For some reason if they were not we can quickly discuss it and their duck goes back into the cup for another shot at being pulled!

Another big area for my during daily five is having students work independently for their daily five. Again, this is my personal preference, but if I am requiring students to work quietly and stay on task I feel they can manage this much better working by themselves.
I also have one more little “quirk” during daily five which is only two students sit at one table at a time. They also sit diagonal from one another. I’ve discovered that this cuts down on table-chatter A LOT!
Here are a few more I use…
Classity, Class…yessity, yes!
Class, Class….yes, yes!

For math my students make their way down to the carpet in a circle. This can be chaos ready to happen because students are…..not in their own squares! I have students stand by their partners until their partner is done with their snack, and then they both walk down to our circle at the same time. This eliminates the whole…”No! That is Johnny’s spot!!!”
Once at the carpet we do a lot of number sense routines. A few we do require for me to “flash” the ten frames. For these routines students do not shout out their answers…I require for everyone to have their think time first. So, I show the card around the circle, then tell students to build the answer with their fingers in the laps. I then will say, “show and tell.” This allows for wait time…and when students are building their answer in their laps others cannot see what they are doing. When students show and tell their answers it is obvious to me who is understanding the concept and who needs more practice!

I LOVE adding in any kind of engagement throughout my lessons and just my day in general! Mirrors is a great Whole Brain Teaching routine. For mirrors the teachers say, Mirrors On…and the students state mirrors on as well. Then the students will repeat what the teacher says. This is great if you are reviewing a chart, directions, etc. When you are done with the mirrors the teachers will just say, mirrors off.
Along with mirrors…I do LOTS of classroom cheers! Nothing out of the ordinary and you can view lots of great ones HERE. Throughout the day we do all kinds of fun cheers…I will say, “Give me an oh yeah….OH YEAH!” “Give me a whoop, whoop! WHOOP, WHOOP!” Basically, make learning FUN and spontaneous and the kids will eat it up! ๐
One more I use a lot when I know all students want to share with “blow it in your hand.” This simply means the students blow their answers in the hands…they then watch for my to release the bubble and once I do everyone can state the answer at the same time!
I have seen when teachers wait for every last student to be done 100% before moving on to the next task. Now, I am not saying that is wrong…just saying I prefer to move along with the “majority” of the classroom. My classroom moves at a fairly quick pace…we are not slopping down work to get done quickly, but we move at a reasonably quick pace!
I think the more we are changing up tasks and expectations the better behaved the students are. If I am expecting them to sit at the carpet for 20 minutes …#imaskingforit If we sit at carpet for 10 minutes, then work on independent work for 10 minutes, and back to the carpet for another 10 minutes I will get much better results! Pacing really is your whole day…how long for morning work, the restroom, each daily five group, etc. etc.

Brain breaks are of course a GREAT way to break up the longer tasks I discussed above. I also like to use brain breaks as rewards for working for a length of time! We love using GoNoodle! I use the option on the YouTube section and add in my own Just Dance videos!

Like most of you I have challenging kiddos in my classroom. They challenge me in my thinking and classroom practices everyday. On those rough days I go home and try to come up with a way for them to be successful. On goods days I take time to reflect on what went well and how we can continue that. I have found that students do respond to positive reinforcers! I put together these positive behavior logs for a couple of my students and they really have worked well!
I also do offer daily rewards for a couple of my students that are working towards behavior goals. I’ve noticed in my own classroom that those that need daily rewards will eventually get “used to” doing the right thing where they will no longer require daily rewards. It’s one of those things that some feel uncomfortable with…rewarding those that don’t always do what they should, but that are trying. So, in my room when that student has a good day and gets rewarded we also choose 2-3 additional friends from the classroom to get a reward as well. This way the class can cheer on this individual throughout the day as well! ๐
Well, that is all I got! I sure hope you learned something new to try in your classroom! If you have specific classroom management questions feel free to post them below or email me directly of course at ta******@ho*****.com!
Thanks for such an informative post, Tara!! I appreciate your helpful tips and the time I'm sure you put into writing this blog post!! I agree with everything you said. One of my college profs said, keep them busy and engaged, and you'll have few behavior issues. I believe this 110%!!
Thank you for sharing your management ideas. We have a schoolwide behavior plan where there are different voice levels for different places in the school and they are posted in the halls. My students just do not understand that there are times when there should be no talking. They talk when I send them to their seats to begin work; getting a pencil and writing their name is a very loud time. One little boy just has to talk which leads the others to talk. We go over rules often everyday and they can recite them, but not follow them. Do you have any suggestions for the student who likes to shut himself in his locker?? ๐
I enjoyed reading your post! Here are some more tips and ideas that I shared on a video blog.
Julie Green Apple Lessons
What an amazing post!! Thanks for this informative post about the basics. It was a great reminder as I'm preparing to return to school after winter break.
More Than Math by Mo
Thank you for your post! I got some new ideas, reaffirmed some of my practices and took a moment to reflect on my own classroom and it's needs.
Is your classroom stone jar similar to the marbles system?
Yes! ๐
Thanks for this post! I love your lucky ducks and am about to go print them!
Thanks for reposting this Tara! For some reason, my kiddos have a hard time with transitions. How do you handle when they go from rug to tables and Daily 5 etc. ???
Hi there Amy! When my students go from the rug to tables I use a tables, tables, tables cadence and the students repeat. I also state as they are walking, "I''ll be looking for the table that gets started quickly and quiet." Or something similar to that! For Daily 5 you'll get great ideas on this post:
Your blog providing the great information about classroom management with the wonderful bullet points.Very grateful to you for your good job.
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Thank you for all of this information! We head back to school Monday so reading this is helping me get refocused from the time off ๐ And I love Go Noodle! And I'm definitely going to use your Lucky Ducks idea when we go back!
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