Fluency Packet Freebie!

Hi friends!  Well we are almost to Friday!  I am most excited about the weekend so we can get some warmer weather.  It is waaaaay too cold today to be Spring!

I wanted to share with you a fluency packet I will be sending next week as a homework assignment!  My kids will be benchmarked for Letter Naming Fluency LNF,  Letter Sound Fluency LSF, Nonsense Words Fluency NWF, & Phoneme Segmentation Fluency PSF in a couple short weeks.  We work hard on all of these areas but thought it would make a great at home activity.  I feel it’s very important that parents understand what their kiddos will be expected of in school. Also, this way when the teacher forgets and starts blabbing about nonsense words they will understand {guilty!!!}

Anyway, grab the freebie below!  If it’s something that will work for you please take a moment and leave me feedback on TpT- – thanks!

Click on any image below to view the download!

Have a great ending to the work week!


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