Getting Started with Writing in K [a free PD session]

Hi there teacher bestie and let’s talk all things writing in kindergarten! Today I am popping in to recap a recent professional development I had for getting writing started in K! For this session I wanted to give you LESSONS you could implement right away in your classroom the first month! This free PD session goes over getting started in writing and 10 lessons you can implement right away!

Writing Professional Development Video

You can recap the professional development session by clicking *HERE* or viewing the video directly below. (You might hear giveaways and sale promotions in the video. Those will be expired past 8/17/21)

Writing Professional Development [free downloads]

That’s right! I shared several free downloads for your writing block. View the free downloads below. Scroll to the bottom to access the instant download link!

During the professional session, you heard me mention these quick-implement writing lessons. Access the lesson plans for each in the free download.

Lesson 2: My Crayons Can Write Stories

Lesson 3: Introducing the Writing Block

Lesson 4: Draying Sticks, Circles, and Boxes

Lesson 5: Labels, Labels, Labels

Lesson 6: Adding Labels

Lesson 7: My Pencil

Lesson 8: Labeling Yourself

View below additional free downloads found within the instant download.

Download all of the above freebies in this instant download *HERE*

Thank you so much for joining my today! If you have any questions, please reach out to me anytime!
Tara West – – LI******************@GM***.COM


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