Grammar 1.0.1 {and a freebie}
We are well on our way to the end of the year! I assume a lot of my teacher friends are like me and already thinking about next year! Well, if so how will you be teaching grammar to your little ones at the start of the new school year?
Since starting with our reading series, Journeys, we have had a set time for grammar each day. It is about a 10 minute block of time right before we move into our writing time. This year and last I taught the grammar lesson on the Smartboard and then we went about our writing lesson. I often times go back to the grammar lesson within our writings, but the students were not getting actual pencil and paper practice. Read on to see how I fixed this problem!
This is a picture of our parts of speech posters! They come from THIS awesome packet from the Teacher Wife!

As I introduce a new part of speech we add the poster and learn a new dance!
I will do my best to describe our little jigs! 🙂
A NOUN is a person {point thumbs to chest}, a place {hands on hips}, animal {use to fingers to pretend they are walking like a dog}, and a thing {point to a thing}.
A VERB is an action word {throw up arm like a superhero}.
An ADJECTIVE describes a noun like pretty {touch hair} and cold {shiver}.
Below are also some great videos we like to watch for practice!
So now back to how I am fixing the problem of the no pencil and paper practice…..Grammar Practice Sheets! I am only kicking myself that I didn’t start these earlier. With these practice sheets I am able to identify immediately who is and is not getting the concept.
Be sure to see below for list of the activities and a FREEBIE to get you started!
Click below to preview the document!
This packet contains 180 grammar sheets! It sells for $12.00. Click below to view on TpT.
Be sure to grab this freebie to get your kiddos practicing grammar!
Have a great evening! 🙂
What a wonderful idea! I know what needs to be added to my TPT cart for next year! 🙂
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