Teen Numbers
Hey there friends! You have survived your first week back after Christmas Break! Although, we did have one “cold day” and a late start! I’m sure next week I will really be feeling it haha! I wanted to re-share a teen number post from last year! We just finished our teen number unit before Christmas. Somehow within the how hustle and bustle of that season I completely dropped the ball! Sorry about that 🙁 I will add in additional details, pictures, and activities so be sure to read through!
This year we started out by simply representing the teen numbers within 10 frames.
I gave the students a ten frame template and counters. I emphasized A LOT that teen numbers will always consist of 1 group of ten- hence they should always have 1 completely filled in ten frame. We worked on this for an entire math lesson. I had a spinner on the smartboard to make it a little more interactive. The kids did pretty well for their first day.
We then moved on to recognizing again that teen numbers have a group of ten. I introduced this by giving all of the students one “ten stick” built out of snap cubes. I chose to not give the students actual tens sticks {place value sticks}. We will possibly move into those once we introduce actual place value activities within our curriculum.
On this first day students worked with partners building the teen numbers with their ten stick and additional “ones” snap cubes. Above you can see this student has made the number 13. As we built each teen number I would call out this prompt and have the students fill in the blanks, “13 is __group of ten and ___ ones.”
{below you can see another student’s example of the number 19}

These students matched numerals to ten frame. Also see Number Sense packet below!
I posted about Number Sense and these activities which build a strong foundation in number. Click HERE to view that post! See below for my Number Sense Classroom Resources packet!

Ten Frame flash interactive computer game! Click HERE for the links! They are freebie games!
Click on the pictures below to view the game!
Place Value- Numbers to 20
Teen Numbers – Critter Junction
Numbers 11 & 12
Scrambled Egg City- Teen Numbers
I posed the following question to my kiddos this week….
They had a lot of great ideas and a couple had figured the answer out quickly! If you haven’t posed this question to your kiddos — please do and let me know how it goes. It is so rewarding to see them think through a problem…they love a good challenge!
The above image shows how I explained the answer to why teen numbers start with a 1! I wrote the teen number on the white board. I then held up the ten stick and ones cubes that we had worked with the 2 previous days. I asked, “how many group of ten did we have?” The kids immediately answered with 1. It was a definite “Ahh Hah!” moment.
One of our best review times is in the hallway! Teachers like to multi task and why not at the restroom? As the kids wait for the restroom we review tasks that we’ve covered in class. With teen numbers I have the students simply state the number or have the students use the following prompt, “13 is __group of ten and __ ones.” Click below for a freebie teen number flashcard set!
Love these ideas! They are all so incredibly relevant to what we are doing each time! Can't wait to use some of these ideas to teach teen numbers! Great post 🙂
Great ideas Tara, thanks for sharing!
Fun in PreK-1 & Kinder
Love this! Such great ideas!
First Grade Blue SKies
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