It’s almost here….
SUMMER I mean April! Gosh, I’ll just keep dreaming! I love hosting these monthly posts…they help me get prepared for the month, AND I hope that they help get your mind wrapped around the upcoming days too! April is looking to be an eventful month for me! So, I am going to need all the help I can get to prevail!
Be sure to enter to win a set of all of the mentioned packets in this post! OH YEAH!

Up first is literacy centers! I just swapped mine out today and I know the kiddos are going to be so giddy when they see these!
Springtime Word Builder
The students will use the letters within the word ‘springtime’ to make new words. They will write down their new words on the recording sheets, and if they get stuck…I’ve made a list!
Flying Ending Sounds
Kiddos will listen for the final sounds in this literacy center. They will sort the final sounds as ck, ff, and ss. There is also a matching recording sheet!

Blending in the Rain
In this center your students will view the blend located on each rain cloud. They will sort the matching blend raindrop pictures. Then, students will record their answers on the corresponding sheet.

Eggs in a Basket
Each month I like to have a matching sight word activity…and this one is one of my favorites! Students will view the sight word card and then build that sight word using the eggs!
CVCC Little Birdie Match-Ups
Working on those tricky ending blends? This adorable center has the students match the CVCC {picture} birdie to the birdhouse {word}.
You can view these centers by clicking below…
Now for a little math center fun! You’ll be able to tell what we are busy working on this month….ADDITION! I’ve always felt that the kiddos “got” addition…when I presented it in fun and engaging ways!
This one is by far my FAVORITE! For this center students will match the equation to the jar of bugs!
A “clip it” activity is always a must! If I dare take away their clothespins, there will for sure be a backlash 😉 This month we will be working on finding the number that is the least!
A little mix of place value, and addition, AND teen numbers! Yep, yep, yep!
We are not done with addition yet! For this center the students will roll the equation cube and the the missing addend cube! That’s right…two skills in one center…BAM!
A little springtime number bond action too AKA addition! I’ve included two version depending on if you are or are not working on missing addends!
If interested you can view these centers by clicking below!
I also loved doing this little special back around January…so it’s back! If you purchase my math centers packet, you’ll snag my Spring Addition/Subtraction packet for FREE! After making your purchase…you’ll just want to email me at ta******@ho*****.com.

Now it’s on to my life saver packet each month- – Taking Back Weekends! These packets have anything and everything “extra” I’ll need! I use the literacy and math centers…writing prompts for work on writing folders, whole-group writing activities, sub plans, and MORE!
View a preview and the packet by clicking below….
And it’s giveaway time! Enter below for a chance to win all THREE packets. You’ll be set for the month of April for sure! 🙂 The giveaway will end Tuesday, March 31st!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Now time for a couple of freebies! I have been posting this dated writing paper each month… I hope someone is still in need of it?! 🙂 You can download it by clicking below!
I also compiled a set of freebie opinion story starters for your kiddos!

If you’re a visual idea “getter” I’ve compiled some great springtime ideas for your classroom on my spring pinterest board! You can view by clicking below…
A couple days early, but I will be happy to say this why….

Love your stuff, Tara! Thanks for the freebies!
Always Kindergarten
I love all of your sets and so do my students! The April sets are perfect for reinforcing blends with the little ones.
Thanks for your hard work and the freebies!!
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