Assessing the Common Core in Kindergarten!
Whether your district has yet to adopt the Common Core you’ve at least heard something about it! This is my second year teaching to the Common Core and I love it! It provides the children with not just this is how we do it… but an exploration period where they get to figure out answers on their own! In ELA the Common Core requires more, but nothing more than the students are capable of.
I found that teaching to a Common Core curriculum covered all of the standards but I was searching for a way to assess my students to make sure they were gaining an understanding of the standards. I have implemented weekly Math and ELA skills checks as well as daily quick assessments!
I posted the weekly Math Skill checks as a freebie on my blog over the Summer. If you haven’t downloaded your copy click below as they are FREEBIE!
Along with weekly Math skill checks I also do one ELA skill check each week! There are 30 skill checks included in the packet. Each skills check get progressively harder as the year goes along. The skill checks are very easy to follow for the teacher and the students. The student copy is set up in boxes so they don’t get confused with where they are… they are also labeled with pictures- rather than numbers. The teacher has a master copy with directions for each question.
Click below to view the link!
I use both the Math and ELA skill checks on Fridays! To also judge where my students are throughout the week I use quick assessments! I use these before I teach a new concept to see where my students are, during a new skill being taught, and I also use them after I have taught a new skill to see if students gained the knowledge!
ELA Quick Assessments
Trace the letter. Search and color the letter.
Click below for the link!
Write the matching teen number. Represent the teen number using a teen stick and one{s}.
Draw a line to match the items to the scale. Color the greater number. Draw a set of objects that is more than 8


Tomorrow is a teacher professional development day so needless to say I’m going to think that it is Monday ALL day on Wednesday!
Have a super week friends 🙂
These look wonderful! I am a Kdg Title I teacher who works with our Kdg team. Last week at our PD day was their intro to common core. The teachers' biggest concern was that there is going to be too much assessing and no time for teaching. They do mostly individual assessing at the end of each grading period. Do you use these as whole group, when do you grade them, and do you go over them with a kiddo who doesn't seem to get it? I will definitely pass this onto them. Thanks!
I use all of these skill checks whole group. I take grade on the weekly Math & ELA skill checks. I use the quick assessments as a way to see where my students are in their learning!
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