Back to School Survival [freebies, too]

Happy Thursday (or any other day you happened to stumble upon this)! It’s mid July (HOW?!) and some are already on the back to school train! Wouldn’t it be amazing if all schools started and ended at the same time… but that would probably be boring! Since some are already headed back I worked hard to get my latest “survival” packet posted!

You have probably run across my my KinderSurvival and FirstieSurvival packets before! Those are AMAZING and so amazing that Pre-K teachers were like, “Where’s our survival packet?!” So, I set out to make a Pre-K specific back to school program! However, after I wrapped up the program I was like eek… this program would be PERFECT for kindergarten, TK, Junior K, Readiness K, Sped, and all the other kiddos around that age… so I renamed it to BACK TO SCHOOL Survival!

In this post I will break down the packet and offer you some *INSTANT FREEBIES* for back to school! OH YEAH!

Oh and another cool fact… this AMAZING packet is on sale for 5 bucks! Trust me when I say it’s totally worth the price of your fave Starbucks drink!

If you are more of a virtual person you can watch a detail video about this program below!

Back to School Survival Overview

Okay let’s get started! The big addition to this program is a little friend named, Pip the Pup! Pip the Pup helps the kiddos learn LOTS of new skills their first week! Some teachers have even grabbed a little stuffie Pip for their kiddos’ first week!

Here’s the overview of what the packet includes and then I’ll show it to you in PICTURES!

What is included in the Back to School Survival packet?

  • Detailed lesson plans (5 days of lesson plans + editable)
  • “I survived or thrived the first day of school” crowns
  • “I survived or thrived the first week of school” crowns
  • Meet the Teacher book (editable)
  • Pip the Pup Adventures introduction book
  • Read aloud components (Character poster, retell pieces, character cards, craft, and bulletin board posters)
  • Circle Time expectations (Custom book, 3 Ways to sit at the carpet posters, circle time certified badges)
  • Morning greetings posters + cards
  • Friends’ names song poster
  • Question of the day cards + editable student name cards
  • Line expectations resources (Poster/song and line certified badges)
  • Bathroom expectations resources (Custom book and bathroom certified badges)
  • Lunchroom + Snack expectations resources (Custom books for lunch and snack & lunchroom & snack certified badges)
  • Playground expectations resources (Poster, cards, & playground certified badges)
  • Rest time certified badges
  • Block Center resources (Custom book and block center certified badges)
  • Art Center resources (Custom book and art center certified badges)
  • Classroom Library resources (Custom book and library center certified badges)
  • Dramatic Play resources (Custom book and dramatic play & kitchen certified badges)
  • Discovery Center resources (discovery center certified badges)
  • Exploring Crayons resources (Custom book, crayons certified badges, color sheets)
  • Exploring Markers resources (Custom book, markers certified badges, line sheets)
  • Exploring Scissors resources (Scissors song poster, Scissors certified badges, scissor sheets)
  • Exploring Glue resources (Glue certified badges – stick, bottle, sponge)
  • Exploring watercolors resources (Custom book, watercolors certified badges, watercolor sheets)
  • Math manipulative sorting mats
  • Math manipulatives & number sense game mats

The program includes 5 days of lesson plans! Now here’s the thing… this material might take you longer or could also be condensed into fewer days! The lesson plans are EDITABLE so make them work for you! You might choose to ditch the lesson plans and just utilize all of the amazing material and that’s okay too! Make it work for you…remember the idea was to cause you LESS stress!

Each day the lesson plans are broken down into these important areas: circle time, read aloud, school readiness camp, exploring centers, school supplies, and math manipulatives! Let’s take a look at circle time material first!

In circle time, students will have TWO mentor texts! You will have a book about Pip the Pup and a book that teaches carpet time expectations! I’ve also included posters on ways to sit at the carpet! The students will also learn carpet time rules: look, listen, quiet hands, and quiet voice! Finally, students will learn morning greetings: wave, hug, high 5, say hello, smile, first bump, and thumbs up! I’ve also included an EDITABLE meet the teacher book!

Next, let’s chat about the read aloud! This program utilizes the book Maisy Goes to Preschool! Don’t teach preschool? No biggie– I just placed a post it note over ‘preschool’ and replaced it with ‘school’. The read aloud covers a basic understanding of a three step retell and characters! This packet also includes a bus craft and bulletin board poster!

Now it’s time for school readiness camp! (My FAVORITE part of this packet!) At the school readiness camp students will learn about hallway lines, lunchroom expectations (or snack), bathroom expectations, playground expectations and rest/quiet time expectations! The students also have the opportunity to get CERTIFIED during readiness camp! What does that mean?! *See below*

Look at these stuffies! They are working hard to get “line certified”. In this packet you will have 15+ skills that the kiddos can get certified in! What does this mean? You will state your classroom expectations for these skills. For example, we walk to get in line, we never push, we line up right behind the friend in front of us, we have our hands to our side and a quiet voice. You will then look for individual students (or the class as whole) following these expectations. Once they show you they CAN do it… they will get certified! It’s really just a way to get kiddos to buy-in on rules and expectations! See more of the amazing goodies that are included for readiness camp!

Up next is the exploring centers section! In this section the students will learn about the building/block center, dramatic play center, art/paint center, classroom library, and the discovery center! See more below for you get to teach these centers!

back to school kindergarten
back to school kindergarten

Let’s chat school supplies! In this section the students will learn about their crayons, markers, scissors, glue, and watercolors! Check out the amazing books, printables, and more for these!

The last section of the lesson plans it for MATH! In this section the kiddos are able to work hands-on with math manipulatives!

Below is a look at the certificates included!

back to school kindergarten

There are also LOTS of crowns to choose from to celebrate your kiddos’ first day or week of school! I’ve included multiple grade names, too!

back to school kindergarten
back to school kindergarten

Everything you saw above (about 250 pages worth) is part of my new Back to School Survival packet! You can grab it for $8 HERE or by clicking below! Survive your first week back with these easy to implement activities so you have time for your kiddos (and yourself).

back to school kindergarten

Back to School Survival Free Downloads

Now it’s time for INSTANT FREEBIES!!! Oh yeah… who doesn’t love freebies? I compiled some great freebies for your back to school week! These freebies pair perfectly with the Back to School Survival packet! Up first is an amazing freebie Pip the Pup “Let’s help” book! In this book students will get to learn about helping their FRIENDS and their TEACHER!

back to school kindergarten

The second freebie book is one for teaching kiddos how to use their glue sponges! This book will teach all of the do’s and do not’s when it comes to glue sponges! The students can also get certified to use their glue sponge!

back to school kindergarten

How about some freebie “My First Day of ___” posters?! I’ve included several different grade names as well!

back to school kindergarten
back to school kindergarten

Finally, I have a freebie that can be use throughout the school year…. freebie birthday crowns! I’ve included three different versions!

back to school kindergarten

You can grab the Let’s Help book, Let’s Glue book, 1st day posters, and birthday crowns for FREE by clicking *HERE* or the image below!

back to school kindergarten

Pip the Pup Around the School Scavenger Hunt

back to school kindergarten

This free download packet is designed to offer an engaging way for students to explore their new school with the help of Pip the Pup. Pick and choose from the included school location cards. Discard the cards that do not apply to your students or school. Prior to the scavenger hunt, place the cards around the school. Think ahead about the order which you will navigate around the school. You can choose to write that down on a post-it note. Begin the scavenger hunt by reading the “Oh, Pip” card. Travel around the school while reading each clue. Take time in each location to get students acquainted with the school staff, rules for that area, and/or things found in that area.

End the scavenger hunt by returning to your classroom. Students will then find an additional note from Pip the Pup. You can choose one of the two ending versions. You can leave a possible surprise for the students including: a snack, the including coloring sheet, and/or another surprise of choice.

back to school kindergarten

You can download this free download by clicking HERE or the image below!

back to school kindergarten

Pip the Pup Comprehensive List

Download a comprehensive list of ALL my Pip the Pup books **HERE**

Have a great weekend! Please reach out to me via email if you have any questions– li******************@gm***.com


  1. I saw the Survival Packet yesterday and bought it immediately since I was preparing for the 1st 2 weeks of PreK. It will be a great new addition.

    I plan to put the books in our library center after we review them. Do you laminate yours before you bind them?

  2. Hi Tara,
    I was planning to get this package – Back to Survival on Teacher Pay Teacher along withy your Pre-K Themed Literacy and Math Centers SET TWO. I have already purchased Set one ad I love it! Thank you!
    I was planning to order the other day, but Teacher Pay Teacher site was not working properly and I thought it was my computer. I restarted my computer and realized that Teacher Pay Teacher site was not working properly. So I went to order it tonight and one of the two resources is no longer on sale.
    I read that you were having a sale and I thought that these packages will be on sale for a few more days but when I went to order them both of these resources on Teacher Pay Teacher, the Back to Survival is 8 dollars, not the 5 dollars ( email that I received from you said it was 5 dollars.) The Set Two is fifty dollars so it is on sale. I though they were on sale for a few more days. Did I read it wrong or did I miss your sale?

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