Christmas Cheer with Deals and Giveaways!
HEY THERE! Thanks so much for popping into my page today! I am really thrilled to get this posted for you as I LOVE to spread holiday cheer! This post will be filled with AWESOME deals of December, giveaways, and a ton of more FUN! Be sure to skim the entire post as special giveaways are HIDDEN throughout the page! Here’s how it works! I will list off the December deals below! These prices are only valid from 12/11-12/17! Instead of you having to worry about what day that deal is on… you are welcome to pick and choose and purchase any day thought the week! The prices have already been changed on TPT so you don’t need any special codes, etc! Let’s get started!
BOOM! Let’s go straight to our first giveaway! Any teachers here LOVE Starbucks? Enter below to win a $100 Starbucks card! *winner chosen on 12/17!
Alright… time for some awesome deals! I asked over in my Facebook group, what deals YOU wanted to see! I hope to make all your teacher DREAMS come true!
Up first is KinderLiteracy and FirstieLiteracy! I heard from several of you that you missed out on these awesome “buy in” prices because you hadn’t yet been introduced to my material! Well….great news because I am honoring that original buy in price for both programs this week only! You can snag each bundle for the original $50 buy in price!
View each program below!

Let’s keep it on original “buy in prices” for this next deal! Snag the KinderStem, FirstieStem, KinderScience, and FirstieScience bundles at their original buy prices of $20! These prices are just valid through 12/17! Check out each unit below!

These babies are at their current buy in price of $13 BUT…..this is the last week and they will then return to $26 on 12/18! You can view the programs by clicking below!
Did you say it’s GIVEAWAY time again? WOOT!!!! This giveaway is sure to make your eyes go BIG! How about a $100 to spend at TARGET? You can do a little Christmas shopping, a few classroom supplies, and sure a gift for yourself as well! *Winner chosen 12/17
KinderMath Interactive Notebook
FirstieMath Interactive Notebook

Let’s keep with math and discuss KinderMath and FirstieMath! Snag these babies for a special “buy in” pricing of $50 each!!!! You can view the programs below!
This next deal is all about INTERVENTION! I had several mention that the missed out on the “buy in” pricing for the intervention programs… so it’s BACK! Snag each of the below intervention programs for their $12 buy in price! It was also requested that I place these three into an easy to purchase bundle! I also discounted it for this week as well!
Might as well have another GIVEAWAY!!!! This one I am *so* excited about…. but maybe it’s totally dorky??? I am offering to “phone a friend” AKA …YOU!!!! I will be selecting FIVE of you to win this special prize! I will first email you so that we can exchange contact information and set up a great time to chat! We will then call one another or FaceTime…you and I can chit-chat about packets of mine you have that you might need clarification in, additional classroom ideas, etc! To enter this giveaway you will just comment below on my blog why in the world you’d want to chit-chat with me over the phone! Don’t worry if you don’t see it pop up right away! I have to click something on me end first! I’ll announce these winners at the end of the week as well!
Let’s boogy on down to another special “buy in” price deal! All of my center packets are back at their initial buy in price of $25 through 12/17 only! View each packet below!
Onward and up to the next special deal for this week! Snag each phonics program for a special price of $25!!! View each below!
My last special deal is a gift that never stops giving! My ENDLESS bundles get new updates each year! You can snag each of these for 75% off! This week only!
Phoneme Segmentation ENDLESS BUNDLE
We are down to our LAST cheerful deal!!!! This one is special because it’s SO HUGE! ******DETAILS OMITTED AS THE DEAL HAS EXPIRED.
I hope you have enjoyed the 10 cheerful deals of week!!! Have a GREAT week!
I would love to chat on the phone because I am a new to K teacher, all day tuition program, and still have lots of questions regarding management, helping students work independently while pulling small groups, differentiating, and integrating Tara products with Journeys.
I would love to chat on the phone to figure out how you put it all together! I have taught kinder for years but am at a new school with a shorter day – trying to manage the time in a way that is most efficient while still allowing for developmentally appropriate “play” time. Not to mention it would just be great to chat with someone who inspires so many 😉
I would love a call because I have purchased so many items from you now that I would like to know how to use than all together
I would love to chat on the phone with Tara about KinderMath. I love teaching math now but would love some pointers on organizing this!
I would love to chat with you and pick your brain about how you implement some of the resources I’ve bought from you. I think I need a second job just for being a huge fan of your tpt store… your amazing!
I would love to chat with you. I’m going to have to make a list to make sure I cover everything. At the top of my head this late in the night (or actually this early in the morning), I’d like to chat with you on how to work in your products with what I am required to teach (SIPPS for one) and just “TaraWestize” my teaching all together with all the bundles I have. It’s a bit overwhelming thinking about it all.
I would love to chat and just see how you manage to get everything done! This is my 2nd year teaching and guided reading has always been my struggle, especially with the group of challenging students i have this year.
You are one amazing lady!! I was super excited and nervous to meet you at your conference this summer. But you are a vet down to earth girl!! Thank you for everything you do for students and teachers!!
I would love to chat on the phone or FaceTime because this is my 2nd year in Kinder and I have been buying as many of your goodies as I can (that coordinate with our curriculum), but still having difficulties trying to fit them all in!!! Would love advice to help! 🙂 Thanks!!
I would love to chat on the phone because I am a self contained special education k-2 teacher and I have many of your products. I often get confused on which additional products to order-for example I have both the kinder and first grade teachers taking back weekends and they work well together without buying the same exact information. I plan to use the BOGO this week but will have to spread a great deal of time trying to decide what to buy? Any suggestions
You are the best!!! I use all of your programs and am seeing amazing results. I’d love to chat to figure out how to reach my higher ones… Where do I jump in and start with firstie program. Also, a few strugglers…ideas to implement for kids who struggle focusing and retaining.
I would LOVE to chat on the phone because since the beginning of this school year, you have saved me so much time, and I would like to say thank you! I also have a ton of questions for you, and I think your answers would help me to become an even more efficient and effective teacher.
I would love to have some FaceTime with you because I currently teach 40 students math and science. My school focuses on STEM and I’m currently using Firstie STEM, Firstie Math, and your new Firstie Math Interactive Journals. They are very motivated with these programs, but I am struggling to meet the various needs of all my students and fit as much into the hour and half I have for math/science/stem. I would love to pick your brain and bounce ideas off of you! Thanks for all these holiday gifts, I’m off to shop on TPT.
I have been in the Pre-K world for the last 8 years and moved to K this year. I have lots of questions and would love some new ideas!
I would love to chat with you on the phone simply because I think you’re fantastic! 🙂 I would also have incredible bragging rights with all of my teacher friends! LOL!
That is an awesome idea! I would love a chat with you! Merry Christmas Tara!
Just getting to discuss with you the various programs I have and how best to start them would be awesome!
Why would I want to chit chat with you? Just because…… You inspire and motivate. You’re committed and dedicated to helping us be the best teachers we can be. You’re incredibly generous and passionate about what you do as a teacher and producer of resources that help our students develop, enhance and maintain the skills they need to be as academically successful as their abilities allow. You go way above and beyond for your customers. I honestly don’t know how you do it, but you have this incredible knack for creating these phenomenal resources. You’re intelligent, creative, generous, kind, and courteous. You’re great at what you do.
This is my first year back in kindergarten after several years in other areas, and I was just telling my husband yesterday that I am so grateful for all of your curriculums. I was not sure how I was going to run my guided reading groups, or daily 5 centers, and after coming to your conference in K.C. and emailing you several times, my students and I are rockin it!! I would love to chat with you about your curriculums, struggling students, and brag on my students successes all because of you!! Merry Christmas!!
I would love to chat with you because you inspire me! You are so creative and I love the way you pull everything together. I know I would learn so much!
I would love, love, love a phone call from you! I went to one of your conferences and I could’ve listened and talked to you all day! As I use your products, I find myself questioning if I am using them the right way, or what I could be doing better with them. You’re amazing and I just love everything you do! ❤️️Thank you so much, Tara!
I would love to chit chat with you!! I am a first year teacher in first grade. I would love to talk about guided reading and creating a successful guided reading environment. I love all of your work!! You are an inspiration to me and just having the opportunity to enter this contest is a huge blessing! Thanks for all you do!
I would love to chit chat with you so we could talk about your products and making them work with our curriculum.
Holy Moly! This is the best teacher Christmas ever!!! What an awesome week of giving!
My biggest question is when do you fit what bundle in where? There just isn’t enough time in the day! I would also love to chat about the differentiation of centers thoughout the day! I always love hearing how other people have done it to get ideas! OH! And any special tips on getting kids to say the word they just tried sounding out?! It’s that time of the year where I’m hearing “/d/ /o/ /g/….. /d/ /o/ /g/……Goat!” 🙂 Thanks!
I would love to chat with you on the phone and hear all about your daily schedule, routines, and how you fit all your curriculum in!
I teach in a single section school! That means I don’t have a colleague to collaborate with. I love all your products and would feel part of a team if I won … bonus winner- a new phone and a fellow Kinder teacher to work with. Thanks!!
Oh to chat with you!! I (thankfully) stumbled across your FirstieStart for the beginning of the year and it was perfect. As a first year teacher it really helped me see where my kids were at with letters and be able to move on from there. I would love to pick your brain on my daily schedule, class management, literacy stations, and how to incorporate your Firstie products with Go Math and Nat Geo. I want to approach my principal with a plan on using your products as I believe in and have seen the great results.
I would love to visit you about your products. I love using them, but am hoping to gain insight on ways to implement them further!
I would love to chat with you about how to fit it all in and get the most out of everything for my children! I have 24 kinders this year and they are very immature so things take a lot longer than they usually do. 🙂 We also have readwell as our Title One Intervention for 40 minutes a day so that takes up a lot of time and I am not able to use guiding reading so far….even though I LOVE it!!!
Thank you for the opportunity!u
Andrea 🙂
I would LOVE to chat with you! I have TONS of your products and have convinced my principal to purchase several, as well, for our Kindergarten team at school. We talk about you almost on a daily basis! I am the reading specialist at my school and am currently using the KinderWordFamilies right now with my low first graders. Love!!!
Julene Hoffman
I would love the opportunity to discuss how to incorporate into my day several of the bundles I have purchased with the programs I an required to use. Most of all how to incorporate more differentiation during independent work. Thanks for all you do for us and our students. You are amazing. Please consider coming to the Southern California Kindergarten Convention!
I would love to chit chat with you. I have a few of your products and would love to purchase more but not sure how to implement them into my current curriculum. I taught for ever in private school and had more freedom than I do now 2 years into public. Merry Christmas and thank you for all you do.
I would love to chat with you ( had thoughts before I saw this post of emailing you)- my curriculum director is asking our kinder teachers to come up with some suggestions of curriculums for Reading and Math. Ours is very outdated- has worked so far but I am seeing areas I have to keep supplementing. I want to show her all your stuff but I am not sure how it all works together and what I would need- we also have a half day program so our time is more limited for some of your stuff that I have read through. Love love love all your stuff from what I see online but know our director will be looking at the bottom line and what will work according to state standards. She has been a ‘big box” proponent but I think is open if I give convincing evidence. Thanks for all you do for all us kinder teachers!!
Tara, I’d love to chat with you! I taught 2002-2004, 2006-2009, and I am back in the classroom. Kinder has changed so much, and it’s killing me. I KNOW what we are doing in my school isn’t good for children, and I am trying to create my own one room class of good for children things. I need your help (although your packets have made a HUGE difference!)
I would love to get to talk to you about your whole group reading and writing time! I would love some great guidance and advice to help my kids be the best they can be!
Wow!!!! Time with Tara one on one??? What an honor it would be, and I would have my list of topics ready to go. I consider Tara a mentor teacher and try and model as best I can the ways she does things in videos and all. She is great at emailing or messaging back when we have questions and concerns. Every so often we need a lil bit of Tara intervention so we can continue our passions for teaching.
I would LOVE to chat with you because you are one of my top resources! Your products are fantastic, and I utilize them on a daily basis! I do love to research, so I have enjoyed watching your videos of you in action with your kiddies. Wish you were closer (in state) to actually observe your classroom and collaborate about your resources!
I would LOVE to chat with you because you are one of my top resources, and you are very inspirational! Your products are fantastic, and I utilize them on a daily basis! I do love to research, so I have enjoyed watching your videos of you in action with your kiddies. Wish you were closer (in state) to actually observe your classroom and collaborate about your resources! 🙂
I would love to chat with you because I have so many of your curriculum bundles that I need help integrating them with the curriculum maps provided by my district. The district gives me curriculum resources that I can use, but the curriculum map is the actual curriculum and I can supplement to meet the standards. As a veteran teacher new to kindergarten I would love your help. Thank you for this opportunity.
I have purchased so many of your products in the last 8 months and I am trying to fit them all in:). I would love to visit with you about how I can use all of them to help my students continue to grow! Thanks for all that you do!
WOW!! This would be a great Christmas gift! I’d love to chat and might even have my kindergarten team listening on speaker! 🙂
I would love to chat with you over the phone to discuss how to all the parts of your curriculum together and ways I can differentiate for some of my below grade level students.
I would love to chat with you because I am amazed at all your creativity, and how you know exactly what we need in Kinder. I think you can read minds.
Tara, I’m brand new to your resources and feel a phone chat would help me learn more about what I could use to help my kinders. Thanks for this chance!
I would love to talk to you about Pre-K!!!
Tara, You are so generous! Thank you!!! I would love to chat with you about using your program as a sole curriculum. I am currently using it while teaching Kinder and First Special Ed, but next year I am moving to regular ed Kindergarten after waiting six years for the opportunity!!! I cannot wait!!! Kinder is my dream spot and while I am nervous, your products, blog, Facebook group, (basically everything) has me feeling more at ease. Thank you again!
I would love to talk with you about small intervention groups, as well as guided reading groups. Wondering if you do any interventions for math. If so, what do those look like!
I would LOVE to chat because I just have to get to know the woman behind the products that help drive and organize my room!!! But really- I would love to chat about how you fit it all in! And prepare ahead of time. I work at a private school where we also teach religion so I’d love to just hear from you about general classroom management and how to keep it all on track to fit all the goodies in 🙂 ALSO- would love to hear first hand more about how you run/I could run small groups with first graders. Ah love all things Tara West!!!
I appreciate all the times that I have emailed and you responded quickly to answer my questions but it would be GREAT, WONDERFUL, EXCITING, BENEFICIAL, EDUCATIONAL and INFORMATIVE to have the opportunity to talk to you about all of the curriculum and bundles I have acquired this past year. I have implemented several of them (KinderMath, KinderPhonics 1-3, KinderSurvial, KinderStart, KinderLiteracy, Lettervention) but have questions about the scheduling and how to use them all . Thanks for everything you do for all of us. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
I would love to chat with you about everything. You are so inspiring and motivating. Being able to hear and learn exactly how everything should be implemented wold be great! Thanks for everything you do. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
While I would love to chat with you, I would also love to gift this phone call to a friend who introduced me to your products. I am a first year K teacher and your products have been an absolute saving grace. I am so thankful my friend introduced me to your products and I know she would be so excited to get to talk to you. She thinks so highly of you as a person and your products. It would be such a fun Christmas gift!
Thank you for everything
I would love to chat! I moved to kindergarten after 20 years preschool! You made the transition so much easier! I am so thankful for all that you do!
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