Classroom and School Rules
Hello again friends! If you haven’t noticed yet- – this Summer I have been having a mini-sale each week. I like to choose a product(s) that will be most useful for back to school. This week it is my classroom and school rules easy to use books & practice sheets.
I got the idea for a recess book during mid-Summer last year. I got it together and the first week of school I thought, “hey I can do one of these for all the areas my students struggle with learning the rules.” So, yes during the first few work days/school days I was getting the three remaining books together. Scrappin Doodles came through with some awesome matching clip art.

Above is a snap shot of my recess and lunchroom books. I have laminated and combined each book to share with my students. However, last year I also projected the books on the Smartboard. That went very well too! Each packet comes with a teacher reader and corresponding practice sheets. All of the books have common characters; Tommy and Susie. My students last year really made a connection to characters 🙂
Below is a snap shot of each book cover and a sample page from the teacher read aloud.
Click below to view the individual packets!
They are all on sale for 20% off Wednesday 6/26- Saturday 6/29.
Save $4.50 by purchasing the bundle!
It is also on sale for 20% off Wednesday 6/26- Saturday 6/29.
Be sure to check in next week for the Number Sense Routines book study and more back to school savings! Have an awesome week!
I would love to have something like this for bus safety.
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