In part 1, we learned to define Science of Reading as a framework. We know that the Science of Reading can offer incredible results but it can also cause immense challenges. How do we implement these amazing practices when we don’t have a curriculum that encompasses all of the best practices? What do we do to make sure all of our learning material spirals and exposes our students to words in which all sounds have been explicitly taught, a program that embeds high frequency words, a program that embeds phonemic awareness, and how do you have time to be this meticulous with just one subject and still have time to dedicate to all the other learning throughout the school day? I had all of these same thoughts as I pondered about the many “big box” curriculum programs I was given/told to implement. I know that if I was to use those same “big box” programs for a Science of Reading approach, I would literally have to change EVERYTHING. The high frequency order would need changed, swapping “leveled” texts for decodables, adding in orthographic word mapping routines, and honestly completely gutting the scope and sequence.

I set out to make this a much EASIER mission for teachers. I wouldn’t be able to completely wash out every task when it comes to implementing a Science of Reading approach, but I could lessen the burden.
Science of Reading Centered Guided Phonics + Beyond: An Introduction

The Guided Phonics + Beyond Program was written with special detail to every lesson and each included component. This program was designed to include the best practices for a Science of Reading approach.
The Guided Phonics + Beyond Program is designed to include all needed material to lead your whole-group phonics block and your small-group learning block. Each lesson plan has designated components and routines for both whole-group learning and small-group learning. The program includes a scope and sequence. This scope and sequence can be applied to any time frame. You can teach a new lesson every day, a new lesson every two days, and so on. Adjust the units to fit your students at that moment in time.

Anytime you read about a Science of Reading approach you will be sure to see the word SYSTEMATIC attached to it. What does a systematic approach mean when it comes to the Guided Phonics + Beyond program? This program is carefully designed to include the most effective routines that are precise and timely. You do not need to flash through sound cards for 5 minutes or build words for 25 minutes. With the program being explicit, you know exactly how to run each routine to maximize its impact. By having a systematic program, you get the opportunity to become REALLY great at teaching the routines. Compare this to making thirty new recipes in one month or repeating the same recipe thirty times. You will be really great at that one recipe with so much practice. You’ll learn right away what works, what doesn’t work, and how to differentiate it as well. The Guided Phonics + Beyond program is just that – -systematic and explicit! The program includes your phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.

The Guided Phonics + Beyond program consists of 6 units. This particular post will focus on one of those units- – Unit 3: Digraphs, Blends, and Double Ending words. In my opinion, Unit 3 offers all the heart eye emojis when it comes to implementing a Science of Reading approach. Unit 1 is amazing at constructing that solid base first needed with letter sounds and phonological awareness. Then, Unit 2 really starts to allow the stars to align when it comes to reading. However, Unit 3 is when we get to challenge our students to really bring all of those sounds together! Let’s jump into learning more about Guided Phonics + Beyond: Unit 3.
Guided Phonics + Beyond: Unit 3 Overview
In Unit 3: Digraphs, Blends, and Double Endings of the Guided Phonics + Beyond program, students will build upon the CVC words they learned in Unit 2. Students will learn to define, decode, write, and read digraph words, blend words, and double ending words. Students will also learn about multisyllable words and open syllable words.

Listen below as I go over in detail the scope and sequence of Unit 3.

UNIT 3 Digraphs, Blends, Double Endings: BULLET POINT COMPONENTS
- detailed scope and sequence (editable)
- 50 lesson plans ( 2 lessons per skills – editable)
- 26 sound cards
- high frequency cards (2 versions)
- 25 decodable review drill sheets
- map it mats template
- dictation mats template
- 25 decodable text drill sheets
- 25 decodable all-in-one decodable sheets
- 25 decodable readers
- 25 home connection sheets
- 25 printable practice sheets
- 25 multisyllabic drill practice sheets
- 25 comprehension practice sheets
- sound blending strips
- 25 word chain mats (2 versions)
- 25 word chain letter tile sets
- 25 lesson word/picture match-up cart sets
- 25 vocabulary practice sheets
- rime cards
- vowel stick cards
- word building letter cards (multiple sizes)
- 10 high frequency review practice sheets
- pre and post assessment trackers
Below is a visual overview of the Guided Phonics and Beyond Unit 3 set up in a classroom.

- Lesson plans
- Sound cards
- Blending cards
- Irregular and decodable high frequency word cards
- Rime hunts display and flashcards
- Blending mat
- Decodables
- Vowel sticks
- Blending drills
- Orthographic mapping drills
- Word chains drill
- All-in-one decodable text drill mat (printed full size as a poster)
Guided Phonics + Beyond: Unit 3 Components 1-10
Let’s discuss all the components that are part of Guided Phonics + Beyond Unit 3. This program really intends to give you all necessary material. There are a few minor supplies that you will need to add in. The following would be items you would need to have on hand to complete the lessons:
- dry erase markers -STUDENT AND TEACHER USE
- dry erase surface (laminated unit mats or unit mats placed inside dry-erase pouches) -STUDENT USE
- magnetic letters (or use the included unit paper tiles) -STUDENT USE
- small manipulatives for pushing up sounds in words (plastic chips or circle magnets) -STUDENT AND TEACHER USE
- visual word building surface (pocket chart, chair rail, card holder) -TEACHER USE
- visual writing surface (interactive whiteboard, chart paper, whiteboard) -TEACHER USE
Yes, that’s it! The remaining material will all be included within your unit. Let’s take a look at the included components within Guided Phonics + Beyond Unit 3.

COMPONENT 1: Phonemic Awareness
Each lesson contains built-in phonemic awareness oral routines. The routines are set up as an I do, we do, you do. They are found in the whole-group and small-group learning.
COMPONENT 2: Sound Card Drill
Each lesson contains a corresponding sound introduction. The sound card contains the sound icon and the matching letter. Varying styles and sizes are included.

COMPONENT 3: High Frequency Words
Each lesson contains decodable and/or irregular high frequency words. Students will map the high frequency words. Flashcards are including for high frequency word fluency drills.

COMPONENT 4: Focus Skill Decodable Mat
Each lesson contains a decodable all-in-one review mat. This mat will cover only previously taught sound words.
COMPONENT 5: Blending Drills
Each lesson has built-in opportunities for students to practice blending words. Included letter cards and blending strips are used to practice and master the skill.

COMPONENT 6: Orthographic Word Mapping
Each lesson contains word mapping routines for decodable/irregular high frequency words and skill-based words. Students will map and write each word.

COMPONENT 7: Dictation Practice
Dictation practice is embedded into the lesson. Students will listen and write the letter sounds, skill-based words, and skill-based sentences.
COMPONENT 8: Decodable Pre-Reading
Decodable pre-reading practice is embedded into the lesson using the all-in-one mat. Students will review letter sounds, high frequency words, and skill-based words.
COMPONENT 9: Decodable Reader
Decoding and reading fluency is embedded into the lesson using the printable decodable book. Option: Use the All-in-One Decodable Text Sheets in place of the decodable books.

This unit includes 25 custom written decodable books. Each decodable book contains ONLY skills that have been explicitly taught. There are no tricky/skill-based words that the students won’t have been taught within their explicit phonics lessons. Each decodable contains a back cover that guides students through a skill-based review and includes comprehension questions for the teacher.

Each decodable text is also offered in an all-in-one sheet. This is perfect for giving the students a copy of the decodable without them taking the actual book. This is also great for easy set up. If you don’t have time to print and prep books, simply print these sheets. These sheets are also a great alternative if you have a group that is still relying on the pictures. This sheet will remove any temptation to guess-read by using pictures.

COMPONENT 10: Home Connection
Each lesson contains a home connection sheet. This sheet can be sent home with students to review skills from within the lesson. Home Connections also contain the typed texts.

Guided Phonics + Beyond: Unit 3 Components 11-20
COMPONENT 11: Printable Practice Sheet
Each skill contains a printable practice sheet. This sheet reviews decoding skills and high frequency words.
COMPONENT 12: Multisyllable Word Practice
Unit 3 introduces students to explicit multiple syllable word practice. Students will learn to code and read VCCV words and open syllable words as well. This is embedded into the lessons on day 2 and within a printable practice follow-up sheet as well.

COMPONENT 13: Word Patterns and Rimes
Word patterns and rime identification is embedded into the whole-group lessons and independent practice as well.

COMPONENT 14: Vocabulary Practice
Each lesson contains a vocabulary practice sheet. The students will review a vocabulary word from the day’s lesson.
COMPONENT 15: Word Chains
The lessons contain word chain mats and letter tiles. Students will follow your oral cues to build and manipulate sounds in words.
COMPONENT 16: Word Match-Up Cards
The lessons contain word match-up cards for additional blending and fluency practice.

COMPONENT 17: Vowel Sticks
The unit vowel sticks are used for identifying the matching vowel sound in oral vowel fluency drills.
COMPONENT 18: Handwriting Mats
The unit contains a variety of styles and sizes for handwriting mats. The mats can be laminated or placed into a dry-erase pouch.
COMPONENT 19: High Frequency Word Practice
The unit contains writing high frequency words practice sheets. The practice sheets follow the unit’s scope and sequence of high frequency words.

Guided Phonics + Beyond: Unit 3 Assessments Overview
COMPONENT 20: Pre and Post Assessment
The unit contains an assessment tracker. This tracker is used for pre and post assessing of the unit.

Let’s discuss the assessment component in more detail. The program includes a pre and post assessment. Below you will hear me give an overview of the assessment. However, it is important that I note all of the assessment opportunities that are already built into the unit. Each lesson has the decodable drill sheet, all-in-one decodable text sheet, and the pre-reading text sheet. Each of these could be used to gather data on students throughout the unit. You can also use the day 1 dictation drills for data points. These types of assessments are also natural and do not disturb your systematic routine. (You are not having to stop learning for a day or more just to assess students.)
Click HERE to watch the assessment overview if it does not load below.
Guided Phonics + Beyond: Unit 3 Lesson Plans

Let’s turn our focus to the lesson plans after all these are the MEAT of the Guided Phonics + Beyond program. We have discussed prior the importance of a systematic approach. It is also vital that the lesson plans are followed as planned. I wanted to make sure that you are comfortable with the lesson plans and truly understand the careful thought process behind each part. In the detailed video below, I will walk you through EVERY section of the lesson plan for days one and two. If you plan to implement this program, I urge you to watch this video as it will for sure help. As teachers, we are the best adapters so do feel free to adapt the lesson plans to fit your needs and your students. However, keep in mind that any changes will need to be consistent. You can use the editable lesson plans or sticky notes to remind yourself of these newly implemented routines. View the detailed Unit 3 lesson overview HERE if it does not load below.

Keeping on the some page, let’s discuss setting up your lesson plan book. You can print the lesson plans front/back and place them into a binder, bind them, or use them loose. Included in the unit, is a custom PDF that I have made for you. This PDF combines drill mats, printable practice sheets, and the decodable in a thumbnail format. This sheet can be printed and placed directly behind each lesson. This thumbnail sheet is an excellent visual for your lesson plan book.

Guided Phonics + Beyond: The Complete Program

The Guided Phonics + Beyond Program is designed to include all needed material to lead your whole-group phonics block and your small-group learning block in a Science of Reading focused approach. Each lesson plan has designated components and routines for both whole-group learning and small-group learning. The program includes a scope and sequence. This scope and sequence can be applied to any time frame. You can teach a new lesson every day, a new lesson every two days, and so on. Adjust the units to fit your students at that moment in time.

You can view the program’s FULL scope and sequence in the TPT preview HERE. I am very transparent with exactly what skills will be taught and what high frequency words will be embedded. This will help you with planning.

- UNIT 1: Pre-Readers Alphabet Aa-Zz
- UNIT 2: CVC Words
- UNIT 3: Digraphs, Double Endings, Blends
- UNIT 4: CVCE Words + Silent C/G
- UNIT 5: Ending Blends, R Controlled, Silent Sounds
- UNIT 6: Vowel Teams + Diphthongs
This is a Science of Reading growing bundle and will wrap up by the end of first semester. You can view the release dates in the TPT preview HERE.
View this program on TPT HERE. The Guided Phonics + Beyond Curriculum is on MAJOR DISCOUNT! * * * SAVE BIG, BIG, BIG WITH THE GUIDED PHONICS + BEYOND BUNDLE! * * *

Guided Phonics + Beyond Unit 3: Digraphs, Blends, Double Endings Centers

These centers are aligned to the Guided Phonics + Beyond Curriculum. The Guided Phonics + Beyond Curriculum was written with special detail to every lesson and every included component. The curriculum was designed to include the best practices for the Science of Reading.
These aligned centers will offer teachers using the Guided Phonics + Beyond Curriculum, an aligned component to use for independent workers during the small-group block. However, it should be noted that a teacher does not need to follow the Guided Phonics + Beyond Curriculum with fidelity in order to use these centers.
Guided Phonics Aligned Centers [the bundle]
You can view the bundle of centers HERE. The bundle is currently discounted as it continues to grow!

Guided Phonics Unit 3 FREE DOWNLOADS
I have several aligned free downloads for Unit 3. Snag those free downloads below!
Science of Reading: A Blog Series
Be sure to follow along with the Science of Reading blog series here on the site. You can catch up on all of the linked blog posts HERE.
Recap part 1 if you missed it by clicking HERE or on the image below. Guest writing, Lindsay Kemeny, takes us through the first steps to transitioning into Science of Reading.
CONTACT: TARA WEST – – LI******************@GM***.COM
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