Interactive MATH Notebooks + a Christmas FREEBIE!
Hey all and once again– thank you for taking time to stop in! I am really excited about today’s post! I was so excited to get my interactive notebooks out to you….BUT I am more excited to explain them in detail here! I am also really eager to share with you a Christmas math interactive notebook FREEBIE! I will also start right off with a freebie as well! Over the summer I made “how to” books for cutting, gluing, paint, writing, etc! I wanted to follow the same format and make one for the interactive notebooks!
The book below can be printed or displayed on your whiteboard! I have included how to step-by-step directions on how to use the interactive notebook (in kid terms). We discuss with them things like: finding a new page, using the notebook right side up, cutting on the lines, pasting the “I can” card on first, rotating the notebook if needed, cutting only part of the sheet out at a time, gluing at the end, and finding a new page the next day! If you have used my other “how to” books then you know we must also include “certified” tickets for the kiddos! #hearteyes You can download this FREEBIE here or clicking the image below!
Okay! Now the kiddos are all ready for the notebooks! Wait. Just. A. Minute. Why is she telling me about these notebooks anyway? 1) I really just dislike my kids cutting up worksheets…is this worth the time in my classroom? 2) Well, I guess it would be nice for them to get extra practice, but is it more of a headache than it’s worth?
Let’s break down each of these! They are both LEGIT concerns…and don’t make you a stinky teacher in my book…AT. ALL. I do 100% believe that if we front load the kids with “how to” and ALL the things that could go wrong and offer up a strategy…we will see success. It’s no lie that there will be those kids that just cut all the monkeys heads off and leave the barns in shambles…..BUT what do we already know about those kiddos? Most likely more than math skills they need fine motor skills as well! So, I think that is the big thing to remember off the bat…all the kids WILL benefit in some…just in different ways!
1) Okay, so is this just worksheets my kids are cutting and gluing? Well, hopefully you knew I wouldn’t lie to you…Yes, of course they ARE work on sheets of paper. However, it’s all in our expectations and how we relay that over to the kids. If we treat (all) worksheets as just a worksheet then it’s possible the kids might feel just as pleased with “wasting” their time as you feel about it. However, I feel if you treat these as a learning exercise… then your idea of worksheet starts to take new meaning! All of the activities are INTERACTIVE…this means they will need to cut and place together items each day. Now, when it comes to first grade…their interactive takes on a whole meaning. We will talk more about them later!
2) Are these more of a headache than it’s worth? Again, YOUR perception of “worth” and even “headache” – HA! Let’s tackle the headache first! Again, I mentioned taking the time to front load the kiddos! Spending time to read the freebie book I posted 1-2 will help greatly! What else can help eliminate the headache? Our kids learn best by MODELING. If you either create your notebooks alongside them or have it pre-made. They will do as you do! If you have the capability to display the notebook on a doc cam…then that would be even more awesome! What else do I mean by “front load”? When we help prep our kids we say things like: “Hmm… I just got this sheet of paper from my teacher but I don’t know what I should do first. Will you help me?” Then you go through each step! Also, it is always great to front load technically difficulties, “I accidentally just cut my I can card into two pieces….I didn’t mean to…What should I do?”
The second part of 2) was about the notebooks being WORTH it! I think the best thing…is seeing the kiddos excited and applying the skill! You can use the notebooks as “exit” tickets, math interventions, whole-group assignment, send home and have them complete each night as homework, early finisher, part of a math center and the list goes on!
I will next be speaking specifically about my kindergarten notebooks! If you are first grade…then I give you permission to scroll to your section 😉 With my kindergarten notebooks, I knew that going into them…our kiddos do not have the best cutting skills! So, I have made sure to make the kindergarten notebooks filled with STRAIGHT lines. There are also no spiffy flaps or envelopes! So sorry if that was what you were looking for 🙁 I simply worried about those ‘technical difficulties’ getting in the way….and in result the notebooks being pitched! We don’t want that!
Below I will be sharing LOTS of pictures from the kindergarten notebooks! You can read the “I can” statement on each as well! There are 10 notebooks activities per unit…for a total of 150 activities!
Again, each KinderMath unit comes with 10 lessons of interactive activities! The interactive sheets match up to the KinderMath lesson 100% If the lesson is about positional words…then so is the interactive math page! You can view LOTS more about the notebook by clicking below! I have every lesson that is included listed! The notebook is *50% OFF* for a limited time! Once you purchase the notebook…you WILL have access to the entire year! Access the notebook by clicking below or HERE!
You can also view additional snaps of the unit below!
It’s first grade’s turn! First grade notebook is filled with lots of fun cut/paste fun little jigs! There are envelopes, flaps, books, and more! You can view lots of the first grade activities below!

Again, each FirstieMath unit comes with 10 lessons of interactive activities! The interactive sheets match up to the FirstieMath lesson 100% If the lesson is about addition to 10…then so is the interactive math page! You can view LOTS more about the notebook by clicking below! I have every lesson that is included listed! The notebook is *50% OFF* for a limited time! Once you purchase the notebook…you WILL have access to the entire year! Access the notebook by clicking below or HERE!
If you are concerned with the interactive notebook pages taking too much paper… you can follow this quick print tip! You will want to type in the page number you want in the “pages” box. I actually type the page number twice with a comma between (see below). I then select, Multiple. You will want to make sure it says 2 per sheet. You can see in the preview window…that is takes one entire sheets and places 2 to the page! This will cut 1/2 of your paper usage!
I promised you a Christmas freebie and here it is! If you are new to the interactive notebook idea…you can get your feet wet with these! No better time than December to keep the kids occupied with cutting ; ) You can download the 10 page Christmas K-1 freebie notebooks pages HERE or any image below!
If you didn’t download the freebie yet…you can do so HERE!
Just a reminder that the K-1 interactive math notebooks are on sale for 50% for a limited time! You can view each below!
Tara, I have a whole new perspective on Math notebooks! Thank you for your expertise, and great suggestions!
That makes me so happy! 😀
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THESE!! Our kinder team is obsessed with not only these but everything you make!!
I really LOVE these!! Can you make them in the transitional kinder curriculum?
I would LOVE to make them with my class!!
Hey there! I have a lot of TK teaches that use my Kinder packets! Are you able to cover the majority of the kinder units in your TK class? Feel free to email me as well and I can help 😀
I notice in all of your example pages there are 2 or more colors that they are gluing onto notebook. How do you print it so that each student has 2 different colors for each page?
I also had the same question that Julie had above about printing.
You could print on two colors and have kiddos join up and swap parts 🙂
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