Keep them learning over the Summer! {and a giveaway!}

Clipart from TeachersScrapbook
Well, here in Missouri the end of the school year is near! At my school we have 14 more student days! I noticed that several states go up to June or near mid-June! This year the only long break we had more than a couple days was for Christmas. Anyway, I was all prepared to get this post out yesterday, but this is what my view was all day…..

Yes….it is SNOW joke…it’s really snow! They said it was some kind of record 5.3.13
Anyway, today is a little dreary but I know Summer will be here in no time! I am already planning the folder I will be sending home with my students over the Summer. Last year I sent home my Summer Review Packet, but this year I planned out a complete folder!
The folder I am using was the kiddos Daily 5 writing folder so I am just repurposing them!
I actually have so many great ideas for my folders that I am fretting about what to include and what to leave out…..So you make your own decision! If you are in the market for a kid and family friendly packet to send home with your kiddos over Summer break I have just the thing {or things if you would like}! Be sure to read on for a chance to win a packet!
Here is a snap shot of the folder…These are the items I have selected.
Like I said still not 100% sure!
Summer Writing
Summer Common Core Math Review & Calendars
Writing Picture Starters
Blank Writing Paper
Product Description:The Summer is near and the little ones have just met or are just about to meet their end of the year writing goals. So, you send them out the door and wait for them to return the next year as writing authors. Only, what we don’t expect is that these fantastic writers get busy having fun over the Summer and sometimes forget those skills they learned. So, fix that problem! Send the students with writing practice that is FUN!
Common Core Aligned: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.K.1, W.K.2, W.K.3
Included in this packet:
Informative Writing
Opinion Writing
Narrative Writing
Procedural “how to” Writing
Fiction Writing
Persuasive Writing
Each writing type is 3 pages {1 page of prompts/instruction and 2 templates}.
Print students pages 3-22, staple, and send home with students over Summer Break.
This packet is versatile…if you don’t want to send it home with students over Summer break, then use this packet within your classroom! The templates can easily be used over and over again!
This is a snap shot of the persuasive writing prompt page for parents and the writing template for students to complete their story on. There is also blank writing pages within the packet. Which is what I will also be sending home with my kiddos!
This packet is $3. Click below to view on TpT!
I will also be sending home the review of Kindergarten Common Core math standards! This packet comes with a 3 month quick daily math skill checks, practice pages, and incentives for completion.
math calendars
Product Description:
Common Core Summer Review/Homework Packet {Kindergarten}
This packet can be used as an end of the year classroom review or be sent home with students at the end of the school year for summer review!
Consider this- – Research has shown that students lose approximately 2.6 months of grade level equivalency in mathematical computation over the summer months.
Inside the Packet:
Teacher instructions
3 Summer Calendars with daily common core review topics (Standard listed daily)
18 Common Core practice sheets
2 sheets of incentives/reward coupons
Practice Sheets: (standard listed on each page)
Starfish Count K.CC.1 Order the Turtles K.CC.2
Write Them in the Sand
Count them Up K.CC.5
Leaping Lizards K.CC.6 Number Compare K.CC.7
Grab your Shades K.oA.1
Floatie Trouble K.OA.2 Number Bond:5 K.OA.3 (2 pages)
Water Balloon Fun K.OA.4
Addition/Subtraction Timed Practice K.OA.5
Place Value Fishies K.NBT.1 (4 pages)
Ship up or Set Sail K.MD.1
Help out Mr. Crab K.MD.2
Shorts or Suits K.MD.3
Mmmm a Shape Shake K.G.1
Shading the Shapes K.G.3
This packet sells for $6. Click below to view in my TpT store!
Inside the Packet:
20 Writing Picture Starter Templates
It sells for $2.50. Click above to view!

Common Core ELA Summer Review Packet {Kindergarten}
This packet can be used as an end of the year classroom review or be sent home with students at the end of the school year for summer review!
Inside the Packet:
Letter ID Practice (26 pages) RF.K.1
CVC/Vowel Practice (5 pages) RF.K.2
Rhyming Riddles (1 page) RF.K.2
High Frequency word cards (6 pages) RF.K.3
Letter Names/Sounds cards (3 pages) RF.K.3
This packet sells for $4.50. Click above to view!
Product Description:
Ready, Set, First {an introduction to first grade ELA & Math common core standards}
This packet is designed as a reference for Kindergarten parents. It is an overview of the important standards that will be expected of their soon to be first grader. I am more than aware that the transition from Kindergarten Common Core Standards to First Grade Common Core Standards is quite a task. So, why not help prepare these little Kinders?
A majority of the ELA and Math standards are covered in this easy send home packet. I have 25 students in my classroom so I made this packet quite condensed so it would be manageable to run a copy for each student in the classroom.
This packet would be great to send home at Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences or for Summer Break! Simply print pages 3-17 and you’re done!
This packet sells for $3. Click above to view in my TpT store!
Now for your chance to win one of these babies…..
Wow-I can't believe you guys got snow again! What is going on with this weather! It's never happened this late in the season before has it? It's a cute idea to send home a packet for them-I find they are really excited for materials like that.
You are so close to summer! We are one of those districts that goes through late June! But, I can taste summer! It's coming!
Thanks for all the great products you create!
Goodness, I can't believe that you are a getting snow in May! We only have 12 more days with the kiddos. I LOVE the summer packets! We usually send home an idea sheet but there are some par nets that would definitely need a packet for extra practice!
The Bilingual Teacher
I can't believe you got snow! We've had rain in southern Illinois. I love the packets!
These are such fantastic resources for my kiddos to use during their summer break. I happily pinned this onto my educational board. Lucky you with summer break so close! We still have 27 days to go. 🙁
We also have 14 days of school left. I live near Kansas City and we also had that pesky snow…yuck! Your summer packets look great! I pinned your giveaway:-)
Tara, I can't believe the snow you received!!! I feel for you! I have lived in Maine all of my life but even we haven't had snow this late in the year that I can remember! I love all of the work that you do…I am hoping I will be a winner! 🙂
Ugh snow, yuck! We has snow yesterday! I am just wishing, crossing my fingers we get warm weather soon!!
Kimberly Ann
Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
This wacky weather is making me worried what the summer will bring! We still have 23 days with kiddos. I love the idea of sending something home over the summer for them to work on. Thanks for putting this together!
Becky (Tx*******@gm***.com)
Such great packets! Hoping to be a lucky winner! Here is my pin:
Great packets! I pinned here:
Thanks for another great giveaway! These packets are great and I look forward to passing them along to my kiddos so they can stay active this sumer.
LOVE your packet!! Hope I can win it for my little kinders!!
Michigan just got some warm weather, so hang in there! Great summer practice packets!
It's All Elementary!
Wonderful ideas! We're just starting kinder now (homeschooling my almost 5 year old), but I like the idea of seeing a finish line…what she should know by the end of the school year. 🙂
I feel your pain! We have had snow at least 1 day a week for the last 4 weeks in Denver. It's making it hard to believe it's really May. 🙂
I Want to be a Super Teacher
love this idea
I pinned it!
This is a phenomenal packet for summer vacation to help halt the loss of skills during the summer months! Wow! I've pinned it here:
A is for Apple B is for Blog
We have 14 more days too. Yippee! Your summer packets look terrific! So, we order one packet, and then we can run off class sets? My email is sb*****@ao*.com.
Jealous that you'll be done so soon!
Our last day isn't until June 7th!
I've pinned your image!
These packets look amazing!
We had rain and storms here in Illinois but I will take that over the snow any day! How can it snow with 15 days left of school? 🙂 Love, love, love your stuff! I pinned the image to my reading board even though I know it is lots of different skills~ Thanks again! Michelle
Hoping to win! I pinned your picture…thanks for the chance!
I am in MO too and the snow was crazy! I am ready for summer that is for sure! I shared your pic! Love your stuff and hope to win!
Super stuff! Thanks!
Kara Vigil
Thank so much for the wonderful printables. I am a homeschooling mom working part time and really appreciate your hard work on these printables.
Great packets. Thanks for sharing!
What a great resource! Providing them with a summer theme to continue to reveiw what they have learned is fun!
Love this! Thanks! km***@ws***.us
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