KinderBookKlub 2 [mentor text giveaway]

Thanks so much for joining me today! I’m thrilled to share a little about my new KinderBookKlub 2! I will also be hosting a mentor text giveaway (10 texts) so be sure to enter to win that! ** Also, be sure to read down to the bottom where I share how you can get an additional close read for FREE! * * I’ve had a few questions about the KinderBookKlub 2 so I thought this post could help to answer those! First off, a lot of teachers want to know WHAT IS THE KINDERBOOKKLUB 2? Well, that question will be answered directly below and all through this post!
The next question wants to know if… KINDERBOOKLUB 2 IS ALL NEW MATERIAL? That answer is Y-E-S! You can rest assure that you are getting all NEW material with the KinderBookKlub 2! All 10 books used in KinderBookKlub 2 are exclusive to this program and are not found in my other curriculum programs (like KinderLiteracy or KinderBookKlub 1).
The final question I get a lot is WHEN IN THE WORLD DO I HAVE TIME TO USE THIS AMAZING STUFF? Well, I guess it’s not a horrible problem to have but it can get stressful when have the itch to teach these amazing resources and you’re not sure where to squeeze them in! Let’s walk through a few scenarios! First up… you teach KinderLiteracy! If you teach KinderLiteracy, using KinderBookKlub 2 will be completely seamless for you! The lessons and ‘flow’ is exactly the same! You will just need to find a place to plug in these themes! If you do not teach KinderLiteracy and are tied to a ‘big box’ curriculum then squeezing these in will be a little tricky but doable! A lot of times you won’t follow your big box curriculum pacing on short weeks or holiday weeks! These lessons would plug into those times perfectly! Another option for all would be to use these lessons as sub plans! They are completely scripted and everything is there (math, science, centers, etc).
What is the Monthly KinderBookKlub 2?
The idea of the monthly KinderBookKlub 2 is for one week of the month you can completely transform your teaching with FUN and engaging, yet still rigorous, lessons. The KinderBookKlub 2 is completely comprehensive, so the only thing you’ll need to add in is the mentor text! Here is a quick breakdown of what you get:
What is included in each month of KinderBookKlub 2?
Detailed close read lesson plans
Essential question focus wall poster
“I can” statement focus wall poster
Vocabulary cards (3 sizes)
Poem (Retell card, blackline and retell strips)
Emergent poem reader
Skill posters (comprehension and story elements)
Retell cards (3 sizes included)
Assessment and data tracker
Thematic craft
Daily printables
Journal prompt
Home connection
Engaging science lesson
Hands-on math lesson
Leveled guided readers (fiction and non-fiction) and lesson plans
Five literacy centers
Five math centers

What makes the Monthly KinderBookKlub 2 so unique?
You will quickly notice a similarity between KinderBookKlub 2 and my other engaging packets like KinderLiteracy and Thematic Hands-On Centers! That similarity is part of the design! The idea is that you can easily slip in your once-a- month KinderBookKlub 2 lessons, and the kiddos will not skip a beat in their learning. This similarity in design is also great because you will not have to reteach the procedures or concepts since it will already be familiar to the students. What are you waiting for? Join in the only ‘kool klub’ for kindergarten teachers…the monthly KinderBookKlub 2!
Below is an overview video for KinderBookKlub 2!
Below is a quick visual overview of the books included each month for KinderBookKlub 2! You can view all of the books HERE!
(Amazon Disclosure: This is an affiliate link, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.)

Let’s walk through the books!

Have you read this book before? It’s completely ADORABLE!!!! You can watch a YouTube version HERE. This is a visual that I share in the video! It allows you to really “see” what all is included for EACH BOOK! Remember if you snag the KinderBookKlub 2 bundle you get all of this times TEN!

For storage, I use these Sterilite containers! You might be able to purchase them elsewhere or something similar as well! The storage labels are included within the units!

I like to bind my lesson plans but you can also place them into a binder! The We Don’t Eat Our Classmates week comes with 5 days of scripted close read plans!

Retell pieces are included for retelling the story! They are ADORABLE and will work great for pocket charts, too! There are three sizes included!

A weekly poem is a MUST! The poem is included in different versions! You have a full size, half size (for poetry notebooks), poem retell strips and poem retell cards!

Crafts are TOO fun and really help the book come to life!

I feel as though it’s important to display the week’s learning in the classroom so I include posters!

The vocabulary component to KinderBookKlub 2 is one of my favorite parts! Any opportunity we can get to teach RICH vocabulary is a must!

I also include essential question cards + “I can” statement cards!

Daily printables are included if you should need/want them!

Each week you get an assessment and assessment tracker!

An included parent newsletter is included for each week!

Above I mentioned that the week also included a hands-on math lesson! Of course we don’t always have time for “cutesy” math lessons when we are following scope and sequences, BUT we can always squeeze in one a month! This math lesson ties right back into the book as well!

Each week also has a hands-on and engaging science lesson that ties right back into the book!

A big, big part of KinderBookKlub 2 is included guided reading books that YES tie right back into the theme!

There are 4 fiction (Levels A-D) and 4 nonfiction (Levels A-D) books for each week! Below is a look at the scripted lesson plans!

Word cards + picture cards are also included!

There are mix and fix sentences for the students, too!

One of the most-loved items within the KinderBookKlub 2 bundle is for sure the included centers! You get 5 aligned literacy centers and 5 aligned math centers. Each center has an “I can” card and response sheet if needed!

A look at the literacy centers!
A look at the math centers!
Just a reminder that the material I’ve shown you here is only for ONE of the TEN books included in this bundle! The bundle includes material for TEN books and you get all of that within the growing bundle! YAY!
Below is a look at the next book in the bundle which is Giraffes Can’t Dance!
Below is a look at the additional books that will still have material loaded into this growing bundle!
NOW is the best time to snag this growing bundle! The bundle is currently 50% off! WHAAAAAT?! Yep. It’s true!
You can snag this bundle by clicking * * HERE * * or clicking on the image below!

Now let’s chat the mentor text giveaway and the freebie close read! If you purchase the KinderBookKlub 2 through Sunday, August 11th you can snag my Pigeon Has to Go to School supplemental close read for FREE!!!! It’s super easy… Purchase KinderBookKlub 2 and forward me proof of purchase to and I will send you the Pigeon close read for FREE!!!

Now it’s time for the mentor text giveaway!

I’m giving away an ENTIRE set of the mentor texts for KinderBookKlub 2 to a lucky winner! It’s super easy to enter below or by clicking * * HERE * *
a Rafflecopter giveawayThanks so much for joining me today! Just a reminder that the 75% off is for a SHORT time as well as the free Pigeon close read!
Reach out to me with questions at
XO – Tara
This would mean the world to me as I have moved to a new classroom with little to no classroom books for the students to read.
This looks awesome
Thank you so much! I hope to see more updates from you.
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