KinderWriting Curriculum Bundled
Well, hello! Thank you for joining me today to talk all things WRITING! KinderWriting is a bundle that is so near and dear to me! My first couple of years in the classroom I was constantly changing my writing approach. One day I would give them a sentence starter. The next day I didn’t. At the end of the year my writers were where they needed to be but there was one thing I noticed… not all the kids enjoyed writing like I enjoyed it! I knew that there was something I had to change! After much research and chatting with colleagues I realized that writing is a work of heart! When the kids are inspired and then able to express that into their writing… they too will fall in love with writing! What I didn’t realize those first couple of years was that I was writing and modeling stories that were near and dear to ME. I can’t tell you every story I modeled for them but I am going to guess that a story about four-wheelers or Minecraft wasn’t wasn’t one of those! By turning it over to the kids and having them choose their writing topics, I saw my kids BLOSSOM and year after year my writers fell in love with writing just like me!
I took that same new passion and worked hard to put it into to easy to read lesson plans! That is when KinderWriting was born! 🙂 In this post I will be taking you through each of the units as they are added to the bundle!
What is KinderWriting?
KinderWriting Curriculum is an engaging, kindergarten, genre-based writing curriculum. KinderWriting encourages young learners to look inward at their endless possibilities as a writer. KinderWriting is based upon nine units: Writing With Pictures, Writing With Sentences, Writing With Stories, Writing With Narrative, Writing With Opinion, Writing With Direction, Writing With Persuasion, Writing With Imagination, and Writing With Information. Each unit is broken down to 20 lessons. The units cover 20 days of academic instruction. The lesson plans have listed unit objectives, “I can” statements, Common Core writing standards and needed mentor texts.
KinderWriting encourages a daily routine of a minilesson, independent writing, and a share time. Each of the lessons in KinderWriting are well thought out for the young writer and spiral back to previous lessons to ensure students are retaining their skills. KinderWriting also includes unit anchor charts, a variety of writing paper, conferring schedules and note sheets, sample writings, student writing goals display, writing rubrics, and step-by-step guides that are made specifically for each unit.
What is included in KinderWritring Curriculum?
-Teacher “simple read” lesson plans. You will not need to rewrite these lesson plans, unless you choose do. If so I have included editable lesson plans.
-Each unit I have planned out the; big idea, focus standard, essential questions, and so much more!
-Writing paper
-Unit posters
-Student material
-Unit rubrics
-Spanish posters included
What about the standards?
Each unit has a focus standard that is based upon the Common Core Standards. Units further into the year will have more than one focus standard. If you teach to a varying set of standards, you can email me for assistance. Thanks!
What Units are Covered?
Unit 1: Writing with Pictures
Unit 2: Writing with Sentences
Unit 3: Writing with Stories
Unit 4: Writing with Narrative
Unit 5: Writing with Opinion
Unit 6: Writing with Direction
Unit 7: Writing with Persuasion
Unit 8: Writing with Imagination
Unit 9: Writing with Information
Let’s get started with Unit 1: Writing With Pictures. This unit is all about setting the kiddos up for success! If we jump right into “writing” our kiddos can sometimes feel unsure of themselves. They might worry if their words are spelled correctly or if their pictures are perfect! In unit 1, we introduce students to writing using illustrations!
Unit 1: Writing With Pictures
Lesson 1: Illustrators! Yes?
Lesson 2: Establishing the Minilesson
Lesson 3: Drawing Sticks, Circles, & Boxes
Lesson 4: Establishing Independent Write
Lesson 5: Share Time
Lesson 6: Illustrating the Best I Can
Lesson 7: Detailed Pictures
Lesson 8: Visualizing My Story
Lesson 9: Looking Closely
Lesson 10: Setting Goals
Lesson 11: What is a Label?
Lesson 12: Adding Labels
Lesson 13: The Pencil
Lesson 14: Labeling for Detail
Lesson 15: Ask and Write
Lesson 16: Show and Retell Stories
Lesson 17: Labeling Your Name
Lesson 18: Sticky Conferences
Lesson 19: A Picture Book
Lesson 20: Celebration
I recently had a Facebook live all about Unit 1! You can listen into that video below! If the video doesn’t load, you can access it HERE!
If you enjoyed this video please be sure to join in our Facebook group as I’ll be doing one for each new unit! You can join here!
I have organized my units into a plastic tote! Each unit has a folder in the tote!
Below is a look at the mentor texts used in KinderWriting Unit 1! The mentor texts will be used over the two weeks and sometimes used more than once!
Also in the folder is the unit spiral bound lessons, unit posters and the student mini poster rings!
Each unit contains 20 lessons and the lessons are displayed in an easy to read format! On the far left you have the unit big idea, standard, essential questions, “I can” statements, and any needed mentor texts!
The plans include your needed materials, minilesson and ideas to expand your teaching during the share block!
The student resource rings are perfect for the kiddos to keep in their pencil boxes! You can also use them back at your guided reading table!
KinderWriting is broken down into three important ares: minilesson, independent writing time and share! We teach this as a puzzle!
There are several writing posters included in the unit as well! These are great for displaying in the classroom!
Each unit has its own custom rubrics to match! There are several versions included! You have the student friendly version and the teacher version for assessments! The rubrics are offered in color and b/w!
Another important aspect of KinderWriting is writing goals! Each unit the kids will work on setting their writing goal!
The goals can be displayed in the classroom for the kids to see!
In Unit 1, the students will be introduced to conferring and the purpose of it! Within the next unit the students will start the conferring process! Included in the unit is a conferring notebook and a variety of recording sheets for your choice!
For independent writing I have offered a variety of writing journals and writing paper! You can choose between landscaped and portrait style!
The student resource rings go great for independent writing time!
Unit 1 we also teach a explicit lesson on pencil grip! I offer a handy parent letter and poster for your classroom!
If you have kiddos struggling with pencil grip, one of the first things you can try is changing their pencil! Students respond differently to the pencil sizes!
A couple other tricks for pencil grip are below! Up first is the pom pom trick! Have students grasp a pom pom with their pinky, ring and middle fingers!
The next trick is the sock trick! You will cut out two small holes for the thumb and index fingers! The rest of the fingers will be tucked away nicely in the sock! If you have any questions about these, I share them in the video above 🙂
Now let’s take a look at unit 2!
KinderWriting Unit 2 is all about encouraging students to stretch words, write words and then place those words into sentences!
Below is a full listing of the lessons found in Unit 2 of KinderWriting!
Unit 2: Writing With Sentences
Lesson 1: Authors! Yes?
Lesson 2: Authors Persevere
Lesson 3: Writing Tools- ABC Chart
Lesson 4: Making Words
Lesson 5: Writers Make Mistakes
Lesson 6: Stretching Sounds
Lesson 7: Stretching More Sounds
Lesson 8: Writing Tools- Sight Word Chart
Lesson 9: Color Words
Lesson 10: Letters vs. Words
Lesson 11: Conferring and Writing Partnerships
Lesson 12: Speech Bubbles and Emotion
Lesson 13: Using the Room
Lesson 14: Are You Really Done?
Lesson 15: Capitals
Lesson 16: Spacing
Lesson 17: Punctuation
Lesson 18: Words Make Sentences
Lesson 19: Writing Storybooks
Lesson 20: Sharing Storybooks
I recently had a Facebook live all about Unit 1! You can listen into that video below! If the video doesn’t load, you can access it HERE!
If you enjoyed this video please be sure to join in our Facebook group as I’ll be doing one for each new unit! You can join here!
I have organized my units into a plastic tote! Each unit has a folder in the tote!
Below is a look at the mentor texts used in KinderWriting Unit 2! The mentor texts will be used over the two weeks and sometimes used more than once!

Also in the folder is the unit spiral bound lessons, unit posters and the student mini poster rings!
Each unit contains 20 lessons and the lessons are displayed in an easy to read format! On the far left you have the unit big idea, standard, essential questions, “I can” statements, and any needed mentor texts!
The plans include your needed materials, minilesson and ideas to expand your teaching during the share block!
The student resource rings are perfect for the kiddos to keep in their pencil boxes! You can also use them back at your guided reading table!
There are several writing posters included in the unit as well! These are great for displaying in the classroom!
Each unit has its own custom rubrics to match! There are several versions included! You have the student friendly version and the teacher version for assessments! The rubrics are offered in color and b/w!
Unit 2 students will sort letters verses words!
We will use the mentor text, The Alphabet Tree, and build words!
We also learn about color words and using those in our stories!
Unit KidnerWriting Unti 2 the students will learn about adding speech bubbles into their stories and adding emotion to their illustrations!
We also learn about capitalization and punctuation!
Below is a look at the mentor texts used in KinderLiteracy Unit 2!
You can view KinderWriting HERE or clicking below!
Amazing!!!! So glad to have the bundle.
I <3 Kinderwriting! I have been waiting for this and you did not disappoint! My students love it too – they love drawing pictures and telling each other stories about what their picture represents. I can't wait to see what the rest of the units are like. 🙂 Thank you for creating a writing curriculum that I can FINALLY be excited to teach!!!!
Thank you for this valuable resource.
Do you have a firstie writing bundle?
Hi there 🙂 Currently I have just this one. I will be creating a first grade set next summer! I know that there have been some firstie teachers purchase this bundle to use this year in the mean time 🙂
I am getting ready to start Unit 1 this week. So excited to have an Awesome resource that is actually kindergarten appropriate ?. Thank you Tara for sharing your talents!
I absolutely love this bundle! I am required to use Lucy Caulkins and am quite frustrated at times. Your curriculum allows me to still follow along with my other teachers but I won’t be frustrated anymore. Yay!!!!! Thank you for putting another piece of your heart into this curriculum!!!
Our school uses Lucy Calkins too and I often get frustrated as well. I am trying to decide whether or not to purchase Kinderwriting because I want the same/similar content and methodology as LC. I wanted to ask Tara if this would partner well with Lucy’s Calkins. This is the first comment I’ve seen and it is helpful! I use so many of Tara’s ideas throughout my instruction.
One of the things I have loved from you regarding writing in the past is the freebie writing papers with the dates in the corner. Will you be offering those again this year?
I’m sorry I am not 🙁
I loved all your kinder stuff, now I have moved to first and would love to know if you will be adding a firstie writing??
Hi there! 🙂 I will be creating one once Kinder is complete 🙂
I just bought the unit and am prepping unit one. My question is when they go back to their desk for the practice and they are to illustrate/write, are they starting a new one each day or are they editing and adding on to one existing?
Thanks so much I am looking forward to getting started.
Hi there! You can really choose either way! I prefer a new story each day. However, once you get into the genre writing (Units 4-9) there is a built in piece at the end of each unit where they work on 1 story for 3-4 days in order to take it through the writing process!
I started using this awesome bundle this year! It is user friendly, engaging and developmentally appropriate . Thank you! I found this post to be very helpful! Do you have posts for the other units?
Hi there! I do I’m sure! You can email me and let me know what you’re looking for: li******************@gm***.com 🙂
Is this bundle included in the whole kindergarten curriculum bundle? It listed literacy/writing but that seemed to just include the literacy bundle. I am really hoping this is part of that as well.
Hi there! Can you email me at li******************@gm***.com
I am teaching 100% remotely. Do you have these lessons on Google Slides?
Hi I teach in a bilingual school setting, and I only have one hour of English per day! A total of 4 hours per week. I have to teach all of English ELA during this time. Of course, we do not do as much as a public school kindergarten class. That being said, I was wondering if you sold just a scope and sequence? I will need to piece together some curriculum as I cannot teach every lesson in my alloted period of time. I do, however, love how you have the writing units set up. I wish that I had more time with my students so that I could teach it all!
Hi! I purchased one of your writing units for kindergarten, I am wondering if there is anyway to convert this to the year long curriculum. I LOVE it, but wanted to look at one unit before I purchased the whole year. But after looking at the unit, I am so sad I didn’t purchase the year long bundle while it was on sale. 🙂