Breathe.In.Breath.Out. hahaha!!!! That is how I am getting by here lately! ๐ I am still trying to catch up from being on vacation and staying super busy at school and my other adventure….making meaningful activities for YOU sweet teachers! All of that ramble was so that you didn’t notice my peek for the week is super late! Did it work?
Okay how about my adorable Christmas tree? I got these school inspired ornaments years ago at Kmart. They still make me smile! Oh, and the presents under their tree …. #teacherbribery #survivedecember
Dash made a daring appearance this week too!
Here are my plans from last week!
Our close read this past week was one of my favorites books {Yes, I say this every week.} This close read plan is a freebie and can be found
Here is our chart for the week….
I’ve also been using one or two of these printables each week that align with the close read! I made this packet over the summer and I have found SO many uses in the classroom!
We also made these Pinterest inspired Christmas trees for the hallway….
We have been movin’ and groovin’ with our teen numbers! I have found so much success in introducing the “say ten” way for teen numbers. It makes sense to the kids so it STICKS with them! We also LOVE Miss Kindergarten’s
number practice sheets!
We will be wrapping up
KinderPhonics unit two and moving to unit three after break! Olaf took the prize this week….how cute??
Speaking of
KinderPhonics… this weekend I asked my facebook friends if they would prefer a partial unit three NOW or wait for the entire unit…they selected a partial unit hands-down! So….unit three has been posted! Currently in the unit is an introduction to short vowels and a review of short vowels. The skill focus is 15 academic school days of instruction. Of course you could speed that up or slow it down…that’s the best part of KinderPhonics….it’s the road…but you are the driver!
A big part of this unit is that the kids get their hands on making words…I have left a view different options for building words in the unit. I use magnetic letters in my classroom. If you don’t have whiteboards for each student here is cheap and effective solution- – metal giftcard holders from Dollar Tree! They are so practical because they are small and easy to store! The kiddos can build the word on the lid with the other letters stored inside the box.
In my room I do have enough whiteboards for each kiddos. I store mine in a basket where the kids can quickly grab their board!

If you don’t have magnetic letters I have also left letter tiles in the packet. You just need to print them out and place a small magnet on the back. I buy my roll of peel and stick magnets at Walmart!
The unit will remain discounted until it is completed 100%. You can view a sample lesson plan by clicking below then clicking to view the preview!
Okay, off to next week’s lesson plans! Our close read is a nonfiction book on reindeer! LOVE! I will be away from my classroom for a few days this week and I am pretty sure I shed a few tears that I am missing out on reindeer week :'(
We will also be writing reindeer reports! You can snag this freebie by clicking below!
I will be living out of my December Taking Back Weekends packet mostly this week…especially being gone and having a substitute! There are so many fun reindeer activities…we are doing the craft, poem, can/have/are, and label activity!
Okay that is all I for today! I will be better next week. I will be better next week…okay let’s see if I stick to that! ๐ Have a GREAT week! Someone said it is almost Christmas!

Thanks, Tara!! I love your idea for using metal gift card holders as magnetic boards for building words-clever!!
I agree. I saw a teacher use the tins last year and I thought it was genius! Your class is blessed to have you as a teacher!! ๐ Thanks for sharing all these cool ideas and resources!!