Secret to Letter Sounds Success??

I cannot believe I haven’t told you all about the Leap Frog Letter Factory! If you have heard about it, watched, it, etc you know what I am talking about. I discovered the LeapFrog Letter Factory on the Internet last year by chance. Well, by chance after showing the DVD to my students they all began to know their letter sounds….almost immediately. At Writing when I would say /mmmm/ they knew “hey the mmm mmm mmm… is M!” It was so fun & exciting to see how quickly it worked. I didn’t discover the DVD and song until around Christmas last year. So, this year I started the year off using the Letter Factory….and wouldn’t you know my kiddos are already matching letter sounds with their letters. When assessing letters for the second time this year…some were unsure of the letter name but could state almost all of the letter sounds from watching the letter factory! Anyway…below is the short little song that is at the end of the DVD …we watch the song everyday during letter & word work time. I have little actions that we do for each letter. During writing you will see me doing these same actions when helping the students find the correct letter name/sound.
I am no way affiliated with Leap Frog even though I sure wish I was!! I purchased last year Letter Factory, Talking Words, Word Caper, & Get Ready for School….tonight I just purchased the rest of the DVDs they sell for both phonics & math. I can not wait!! 🙂 Below is the picture of the DVD cover to the Letter Factory…also if you click the picture you will taken to their site. 
Here is the YouTube link for the song…. 
And a preview to the DVD….

Click below for my weekly lesson plans….


  1. I don't teach kindergarten, but I love Letter Factory. When my son was in kindergarten he was having a very hard time learning his letter sounds. I happened to find the DVD at WaMart. He loved it and would watch it 2-3 times each night. He soon new all of his sounds. I also like The Word Factory.


  2. Our Parent Involvement team purchases The Letter Factory video for all incoming Kindergartners. At Pre-registration in early April we hand these out as the kids' prize for coming in for a screening. Our hope is that they will watch is all summer and come in with more sound/letter knowledge than they had at that time. We have seen a difference in what they know.

  3. I just love o hear the letter sounds from the leap frog letter factory. This year I was moved to pre-k and this would really help me with teaching the letter sounds. Do you have any suggestion that will help me with teaching letter identification to my busy bees
    Spruille busy bees
    Asfaye1@Gmail. Com

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