A Little bit of everything!!
Okay okay! I have been working a little bit at a time in my classroom. I can’t yet do the full setup so I’ve been working on organization & such. I mentioned before I would probably change my mind about where I placed my super improver’s wall. Here is the new setup:

This setup is located on one of my bulletin boards. I wasn’t sure if the door was the best place to display it so I really like this spot! I am having all students start on white and then will move up to green once they have gained 10 stars on their star card. Click {here} to view my previous WBT post and to grab the Super Improvers printables!

This setup is located on one of my bulletin boards. I wasn’t sure if the door was the best place to display it so I really like this spot! I am having all students start on white and then will move up to green once they have gained 10 stars on their star card. Click {here} to view my previous WBT post and to grab the Super Improvers printables!
Along with moving bulletin boards, I’ve been organizing!!! Here is a quick shot:
This cabinet has extra supplies along with craft supplies. Note this isn’t where I store the student’s supplies, just my extras! If you are interested in the labels you can click {here}. The labels are $1.50 in my TpT store! There are several different colors besides black. I purchased the green containers from Dollar Tree for $1. They are great for stacking and the perfect size- they even have latches!
I have also been working tediously on my number bracelets. My sweet husband has been helping so we are almost done! I wasn’t quite sure how I would store them, but this seems to work out great! It’s simple & cheap! I have just placed each number set into its own Ziploc baggie.
Another project I conquered this week was to organize my Common Core standards cards. These cards go along with Deanna Jump’s Common Core Standard Posters. You can get these super cute labels or check on the Standards posters by clicking {here}. I simply glued the labels onto construction paper which was cut down to size to fit my tub. I then cut out a window so I could view the next set of cards.
I have already confessed to loving storage and absolutely loving storage that’s only $1. Well get this- these cutie containers are 2 for $1. Oh yeah! I found these at the Family Dollar Store. I plan to use them to store smaller game pieces for my math tubs. They are about 3 inches by 3 inches by 1 1/2 inches. Please do not quote me on these exact measurements, but it’s pretty close! 🙂
Isn’t this cutie just adorable! I snagged him at Garden Ridge for only $2.50 on clearance. Not sure if Garden Ridge is across the county- I went to the store in St. Louis. We have an alphafriend named Benny Bear. So, I am going to let the kiddos read to Benny Bear when they are at the classroom library.
Again, another one of those things you probably discovered years ago, but I surprise myself sometimes! To liven up my classroom door I simply added border around the window!
All of the conferences I attended in Las Vegas had the presenter talking about using these name badges as a way to implement interactive games between the kids. So, my teaching buddy and I went in halves for this pack of 50! I purchased mine at Staples for around $40-50. I plan to share with you all of the ways I will implement using these plastic badges throughout the year. Some quick ideas; match to their letter partner; capital & lowercase, line up in order of the number on badge, match number to set of matching dots, etc! See what I mean the ideas are endless!!
I simply LOVE how quickly kid pick up hearing sounds in words and hearing syllables in words. It’s something they know they’ve accomplished and they are so proud of themselves! Here is my PSF/Syllables tub! See the picture below for what’s in mine!
Alrighty, I have large and small cars for students to push up the sounds in words. They can be at their desks or at guided reading. Even more fun? Slinky’s!! Students can stretch the slinky like the teacher demonstrates stretching a rubber band. Also, I was on the hunt for maracas everywhere! I could only find heavy duty ones at the teachers store, like $15. Well, you know me I want it for $1. So, I had a Epiphany that I could use cat toy balls. I am guessing due to the small balls inside maracas that they are not sold cheaply made due to the fact they could bust open and be a choking hazard. The cat balls sound just like a maraca and the kids will never know!! The last thing I have here are gems. These worked great for pushing up sounds in the sound boxes.
Last but not least- my math center tubs! No, No, I do not have them filled yet, but as soon as I do I will be filling you in. I printed, cut, and taped these labels onto my tubs which I purchased for $1 each at the Dollar Store. I tape the labels on with clear box tape. If you are interested in the labels I used on my tubs you can click {here} to purchase them from my TpT store for $1.50.

Alrighty that’s it for now. I will keep you posted with more of my projects to come!
I went to the I Teach K in Vegas too–
I need to jump on these great ideas! 🙂
Miss Augustine's Kindergarten
Wow! You look super organized already! In June, I went into a dollar store that was going out of business. (Can you believe that? Even they were hit hard in this economy!) I did get slinkys and maracas (tiny ones!) for 10 for a buck. I don't know why I never posted them because I had planned on it. I bought tons and use them for so many different things. Even just passing them out during morning meeting and letting kids shake them when they agree with something switches it up for them. Of course I couldn't do it until I gave them two minutes of free maraca fun! Boy those kids could shake them like crazy! Do you ever put anything else on your door? I like the border idea around the window. I always have kids work on there since my room is so tiny and seasonal things like fall leaves. I noticed though that I was the only one who actually had things on my door in school. I loved it…think it looks so welcoming. Am planning on doing the car idea…Thanks for the idea!
Lisa, I would have loved to be at that sale!! I also diplay student work on my door through out the year. I try to change it out monthly but you know how that goes! 🙂
I LOVE your super improver board! I can't wait to print these and hang them in my classroom tomorrow! Thanks so much for sharing!!
Spectacular 2nd Grade
I just saw your super improvers wall and I am so glad I did! I just put mine together today and I was trying to figure out an easy way to change out the colors for each kid – and die cuts stars will be perfect! Thanks for the idea!
Spotlight on Kindergarten
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