End of the Year Recap [free memory book download included]

Well hello there and hello almost summer (or at least we are close enough to start that countdown.) Today I am here to talk about end of the year fun for our students! I also have a few great FREEBIE files tucked into the post for you as well!
End of the Year Quick Review Sheets [free preview]

First, let’s chat end of the year reviewing. The end of the year is filled to the brim with wrapping up academic units. However, one important task to squeeze in is a review of prior taught skills from throughout the school year. I created this set of kindergarten and first grade end of the year review sheets. What’s great about the sheets are they are all in one! Each sheet contains either 20 quick ela tasks or 20 quick math tasks. These sheets would also work for gathering data points/assessments at the end of the year. These sheets could be used during morning work or that matching academic block.
You could also choose to send these sheets home with students over the summer break, preventing the summer slide!
Kindergarten leveled INSTANT Skill Review Sheets *** VIEW ON TPT HERE ***

First Grade leveled INSTANT Skill Review Sheets *** VIEW ON TPT HERE ***

View a visual of the INSTANT Review Skill sheets below. Download a free preview of the INSTANT Review Sheets for kindergarten and first grade **HERE**

Review Packets for Independent Testing [free downloads]

The end of the school year is filled with a lot of celebrations, fun experiences, and….. ASSESSING! No matter how we try to get around it, there will just be times that one-on-one assessing is needed. During this time, we must not only focus our energy on the student being assessed, but also the remaining students out in the classroom. I wanted to share several FREE printables I have that you can use for your independent work packets. Again, all of these resources are absolutely FREE.

***Click HERE to download the letter sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the ABC sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the how-to writing sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the punctuation sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the CVC write it sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the CVC practice sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the CVCE write it sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the CVCE sentences sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the ABC dot-to-dot sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the writing prompt sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the ABC rainbow write sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the sight word cut and paste sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the sight word read and write sheets!***

***Click HERE to download the number search it sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the number trace sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the number trace and write sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the number cut and sort sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the math printable sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the comparing within 20 sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the numbers cut and paste sheets!***
***Click HERE to download the compare it sheets!***

I have LOTS of additional freebie downloads that you can use for your independent review packets HERE and HERE! You can download the cover for my review packet above by clicking HERE.

Pip the Pup Summer Reading Challenge Mat [free download]

At the end of the year, you might be looking for something quick to send home with students over the summer! In this FREE download, you’ll access a Pip the Pup reading challenge mat. You can download the freebie mat **HERE**

End of the Year Pip the Pup Awards [free download]

How about some ADORABLE freebie Pip the Pup end of the year awards? You can download this set of awards by clicking **HERE** There are a variety of awards included!

End of the Year Memory Book [free download]

Up next I have a FREE DOWNLOAD for you! This is an end of the year memory book! This book can be used for any grade level as there are multiple covers included! Below you will be able to see some of the optional pages you can print and include in the memory book. You can download the freebie memory book download **HERE**

You can download the freebie memory book download **HERE**

End of Year Student Crowns [free download]

Download this free set of end of year student crowns. There’s a variety of crowns includes and varying grade levels as well. Download the free crowns HERE.

Download a second set of end of year crowns HERE!
Rollin’ Into Summer [a free download]

Download these freebie rollin’ into summer labels. These work great as a summer gift to students paired with a rolling dot cube! Download the labels HERE.
End of the Year All-in-One Packet

If you teach Kindergarten, I have the PERFECT end of the year packet for you! My KinderSurvived packet provides you with all the necessary pieces to make the end of the year run smoothly! The packet includes EOY assessments, a week of plans for math and literacy, EOY writing, EOY craft, EOY friendship activity, and so much more! View a detailed video of the program below! You can view my KinderSurvived program HERE.

View the KinderSurvived program **HERE**
Thanks so much for popping in today! I will have more to share regarding summer learning soon! If you haven’t yet, be sure to join us over in the exclusive Facebook group **HERE**

This is GREAT . . . . Thank you so much.
Thank you so much!! this is awesome
keep doing what you doing
Thank you so much…!!!
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