More for the Core!
Hello friends! Well as most of you know my district implemented the Common Core for Kindergarten last Fall! So I’m on track to complete my second year teaching to the Common Core. I have nothing but great things to say about following the Common Core! The best thing about it I’ve seen is that yes it’s rigorous but less is more! What I mean by that is I feel I am able to teach to more of an extent for each standard. Math is now one of my favorite times of the day! I enjoy challenging my student’s thinking and reasoning skills!

If you have yet to print out a copy of the standards you can visit the Common Core State Standards easy to navigate website. Click on ELA or Math to see a full listing of standards.

No we are not taking them on vacation! Unpacking the standards is a more detailed look at each standard. The unpacked standards offer examples of each standard and pose the question; What do these standards mean a child will know and be able to do? Click the image below to see a full listing of unpacked standards K & up!
I have a few different resources I use to assess my students knowledge on the Common Core! Click the image below to view that detailed blog post!
When I started the Common Core last year I wanted to find a way to reinforce & review daily. I came up with the idea of a Common Core questioning jar! All of the standards are addressed in easy to read questions. The questions are placed within the jar and you’re ready to review! They are great for calendar time or those little snippets of down time throughout the day. I have the questioning jars available for both Math & ELA in Kindergarten and First Grade! However, I have just teamed up with some awesome 2nd-4th grade teachers within my building to offer the Common Core Jar for 2nd-4th grade!
I am so super excited about this!
Click below to view the completed 3rd grade questioning jar! The 2nd and 4th grade jar will resemble this one when completed! If you are a K-1 teacher please share this link with your 2nd-4th grade teachers- – I would appreciate it very much! The 2nd-4th grade questioning jars are over 500 pages with multiple ways to review; whole-class discussion, journal prompts, interactive whiteboard, & MORE! Click below to view on TpT!
Kindergarten & First Grade Questioning Jars
I am very interested in your first grade common core Jars! Heading to TPT to check it out!
Thanks for the CCSS site references!
Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe
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